St Margaret's Chapel and Magdelene Almshouses

St Margaret's chapel

St Margaret's Chapel was originally part of Glastonbury Abbey and had a large hall attached where sick men were cared for by the monks. Over time the space evolved into 2 rows of 5 tiny almshouses occupied by the poor men of the town. One row of almshouses survives and these together with the chapel and grounds have now been fully restored to provide a very special, sacred space in the centre of town.

The site is hidden from view but can be found behind 38 Magdalene St, it is no. 19 on the Town Millennium Trail. The Chapel is open for private prayer and visitors may sit peacefully in the newly restored garden. The Chapel can be used for other appropriate activities. We plan to continue to welcome both visiting, and "in residence" Iconographers and artists in two of the Almshouses, and to expand our involvement with children from local schools.

The site is administered by the Mary and Margaret Charity, (Reg. Charity No.1128332,) whose charitable objectives are to advance the Christian faith; preserve the site as one of special architectural and historical interest and to advance the education of the public in the value of this sacred site.

The Complex is open from 10.00am - 4.00pm from April- October and is open from 11.00am - 3.00pm November - March. (Please check the notice board for exact dates).Volunteers with diff erent skills are always welcome, whether it is to keep the space for visitors, clean and maintain the complex, work in the garden or help us by fundraising.

Anyone wishing to get involved, or needing further information,

please visit the website

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