Glastonbury United Reformed Church

Glastonbury United Reformed Church

 Glastonbury United Reformed Church began life as an Independent Church in 1662. To many people it will still be known best as the Congregational chapel that it was until the national union of the Congregational and Presbyterian churches in 1972.

It is an inclusive Church in which all, including children, play a full part in all aspects of its life.

Glastonbury U.R.C. is part of the Mid Somerset Group of which Revd Tim Richards is the Minister and the Associate Minister is Rev Rowena Francis. The Group supports three projects being Action Aid in Nepal, Taunton Association for Homeless and Orfund supporting orphanages in Sierra Leone and elsewhere.

The Church's worship is rich and varied being led by the ministers and a dedicated group of retired ministers and lay preachers . On the second Sunday of each Month the Church unites with St. Benedict's C of E alternating between our premises and theirs.

Details of all our Services can be seen on our Notice Board. They usually take place at 10.30am.

On Tuesdays we are open between 2.00 pm and 3.30 pm for a Drop-In, at which people enjoy afternoon tea and much needed company. There is a thriving Wednesday Fellowship which meets, in close coooperation with the Methodists, at 2.00pm. Knitwits meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays to knit, crochet etc. but also to chat. Expert advice is on hand, too!

The rear of our building is leased off for use by Playaways Nursery, where child care is available from 8am until 6pm (week days) for long or short periods. Our Meeting Room is well used by local organisations; self-help groups etc. and can cater for up to 40 people. Currently there are vacancies most afternoons. Our main building makes a great venue for concerts and lectures etc.

We see hospitality as our main God-given purpose. Many have found warm friendship and support through having contact with us of whatever kind. All comers receive a warm welcome. As a Church we see ourselves as servant to the whole community.

Hall Bookings  Maxine Ridout: 07850 445540

for other matters

Revd Tim Richards      01458 252799


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