Welcome to Churches Together in Glastonbury.
Please explore the site to find out about us.
Our Good Friday Walk of Witness usually finishes at St John's In 2020 we held a virtual Walk of witness from our homes due to the covid crisis. We hope to again have a walk of witness in 2022.
Church Services
Public church services were suspended during the crisis caused by Covid 19 but all our churches are now worshipping in their buildings again. Details of how to Worshiping from Home are given in the Features section Please remember to visit Featured Items to see events and issues current at this time.
Food ministry
Glastonbury URC serve bacon or vegetarian sausage rolls and hot drinks outside the door every Tuesday aand Saturday morning from 09:30 - 11:00. Soup Lunch is available outside St Benedict's every Thursday.
Foodbank provision in Glastonbury (and the whole of the BA6 and BA16 postcoide areas) is provided by Glastonbury Bridging the Gap (registered charity number 1180479) which was originally set up through Churches Together. It is an independant foodbank without a drop in - food pacels are delivered to people who are referred by agencies dealing with those in need.
PeaceA peace vigil was held for several years at the Market Cross (Fridays at noon for half an hour) it was supended due to ill health and unavailabiity of the regular participants. With the recent conflict in the Ukraine is has been resurrected. The idea is that people of all faiths and none could have a regular opportuinity to pray in silence for peace in the world, in our nation, in our community, in our families and in our hearts. For those who would be unable to stand at the market cross for 30 minutes an alternative seated silent vigil is held at the same time in St Mary's church subject to availability if there are any services at that time.
