Worshiping from home

During the current crisis caused by the corona virus covid 19 it is not possible to worship in our churches.  This page provides links to local and national resources to allow you to worship from home.  Details of weekly readings can be found in the Lectionary and details of many Hymns can be found at Hymnary although full details of modern hymns may be restricted due to copyright limits.

Covid affects the whole world and an international multilanguage version of Amazing Grace has been released on You Tube.



Candle of Hope

Following the call to light a candle in your window at 7pm on Sunday 22nd March there has been a call for weekly prayer at this time.  With the clocks changing and days becoming lighter it is suggested that a poster of a candle is displayed in you window and that we pray together as a nation at 19:00 every Sunday. A poster also removes the risk from an open flame.


The Anglican benefice newsletter continues to be produced and is available on the St John's web site. St Johns News gives contact details and includes the lectionary readings for the Sunday.  Local services joining people with the meeting software "Zoom" The newsletter on the St John's website details the e-mail address to contact so you can be notified of zoom services currently there are no streamed sevices.  Nationally the Church Of England has daily prayers available online. There is also a list of churches that are live streaming services which might interest those who cannot join the local zoom services, it is a very big list sorted by area.

Note: Details of the Zoom worship are given on the Zoom worship page when known.  Recording of earlier zoom services can be found on the St John's web site. The page will not be available following each service until a new meeting is announced.  Morning prayers using zoom are also taking place - please contact the church for details of how to join.


The monks at St Mary's continue with their Benedictine office.  They are praying for the community.  St Mary's newsletter is still being produced with a piece written by Fr Bede.  Fr Bede also has a blog which includes video messages from Fr Bede and Fr Anselm some of these are related to the various saints days. See http://frbederowe.blogspot.com/   A number of Churches across the nation are streaming Holy Mass across the internet at various times, this includes daily Mass at 09:30 from the Diocesan Cathedral in Clifton. This can also be accessed from the Diocesan web site. From 4th July the church will be open for Holy Mass - details are given on Fr Bede's blog and on the Our Lady St Mary of Glastonbury page on this website. Social distancing will be required and an average of only 50 people will be able to attend each Mass. The Bishops have not reimposed the duty to attend Sunday Mass and online Masses will continue.


Glastonbury Methodist Church continues to produce their weekly newsletter "link" which is distibuted to church members via e-mail.  An evening reflective service is also being held every Sunday via Zoom. Nationally the Methodist church has resources for worshiping at home which includes service sheets for worship at home and links to streamed services. A link to get involved in a virtual choir is also given and all denominations are invited to join in.

United Reformed Church 

The United Reformed Church are producing pod cast style daily devotions  from their national website.  These can be accessed on line or can be e-mailled to you. A number of churches around the country are sharing services online via various platforms details can be found on the URC website

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