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Farnham's Christmas Day Lunch 2012

121225 Xmas1Eighty guests enjoyed roast turkey and all the trimmings at the Christmas Day Lunch held at the Gostrey Centre for people who would otherwise have spent the day on their own. The event, a tradition in the town, is held for Farnham people and provided by Farnham people and is coordinated by Churches Together in Farnham.  For the guests the lunch is a big treat on Christmas Day and for the many volunteer helpers (from all walks of Farnham life), a privilege to be involved and an important part of their own Christmas celebration.

121225 Xmas (2)

Distinguished visitors made a great occasion even more memorable for both guests and volunteer helpers.  The Mayor & Mayoress of Waverley, Tony and Cathy Gordon-Smith and the Mayor & Mayoress of Farnham, Stephen and Helen Hill visited and were celebrated - they joined in the serving of the food!  Their warm and friendly visit was very much appreciated.

Special thanks to Chris Smith for superb and magnificent cooking, to Morgan's Butchers for donating the turkeys and other delicious foods and to the Dempster Trust, The Farnham Institute Charity and individuals, for generous cash donations.  Messages of appreciation are being received and for guests and volunteer helpers the day is now a happy memory.

