Farnham URC Environmentally Focussed service

17th June 2012

Eco-Congregation is an ecumenical programme helping churches make the link between environmental issues and Christian faith, and respond in practical action in the church, in the lives of individuals, and in the local and global community.  At the Church Meeting in May 2011, Farnham URC agreed to explore what Eco-congregation could mean for them.  One aspect of the work is concerned with the church garden which, though relatively small, is a space where people can sit and enjoy the flora and fauna in the midst of a busy town.

The youth group made two bird boxes and a bug box.  The results were impressive.  All three boxes were blessed at a service in February 2012.

Since then the church has received a water butt as a donation from South East Water.  This was presented on 3rd May (see the Farnham Herald, 11 May 2012).

URC Eco Water But
URC Eco-congregation water butt.

On the afternoon of Saturday 16th June, members of the church worked in the garden.  Although much in the garden was already good for nature, it was hoped that even more could be done.  It was a fun afternoon of practical fellowship.  During the afternoon the bug box was put up, a ground standing bug house constructed and the water butt installed.

Our hard work on the Saturday was followed by an Environmentally Focused Service on Sunday 17th June at 10:30 a.m.
