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“Life in The Spirit” Prayer Group

Weekly on Wednesday Evenings.

The group meets on Wednesday evenings from 8:00 p.m at St.Joan of Arc Catholic Church.

NOTE:  There will be no meeting on 26th February 2020, which is Ash Wednesday.

Life-in-the-Spirit meeting

Who can come?
Everyone, of any denomination, is welcome.  Meet in the main room of the Centre (next to the church) - except on the first Wednesday of each month, when the meeting is within the church.

What happens?
Meetings include praise and worship, scripture meditation, silent adoration, developing gifts od the Holy Spirit, prayer for healing and intercessory prayer.songs.


For more information, please contact Alastair Emblem:

  • Telephone: 01252 714809
  • e-mail: 

For the Life-in-The-Spirit web-site, please CLICK HERE

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