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Christmas Day 2019
Lunch Invitation

On Your Own On Christmas Day?

The traditional CHRISTMAS LUNCH is organised by Churches Together in Farnham for people who would otherwise be on their own on Christmas Day.

Xmas Lunch picture

The 2019 lunch is being held at 1 o'clock on Christmas Day at The Memorial Hall in West Street, Farnham.

  • If YOU live on your own in Farnham or a nearby village and would like to join our Christmas Lunch, this is your invitation.  To book a place, please ring either  Michael McDonnell on 01252 712600 - or Mariola Boyd on 01252 716785 quickly - Christmas is coming soon!
  • If you know someone else who would appreciate an invitation, please let them know about this Christmas lunch — or help them make the booking — or let Mariola or Michael know, so we can get in touch.
  • If YOU could help on Christmas Day, volunteers are needed - particularly DRIVERS able to collect guests and/or take them home after the lunch.  If you are able to help, please contact Jo Rendall on 01252 737162 — or e-mail joanna.rendall@btclick.com .

The meal starts at 1:00 p.m.  Transport can be provided if needed.  There is no charge for the lunch or for transport.

Please download this poster for local display (print size A4; file size 44,444 bytes).
Xmas Lunch poster

Index to 2019 News Archive
