Hello everybody, we had a wonderful day today, with various activities associated with 'wind' - a celebration of Pentecost.

We had kites, windmills, and paper boats being sailed across a paddling pool. We had planned a number of activities, but by far the most popular was decorating the kites and flying them aloft on the breeze.  

We also gave out activity books about Jesus - which the children and young people can colour, puzzle etc., and which we hope will stay in their houses for some time.  The parents and carers were also given a leaflet with the contact details of all the churches in CTAF. 

Thank you all for your prayers, and a big thank you to everyone who came and volunteered for all or part of the day, also to God who answered our prayers for a dry, breezy day.   It was great! 
Just a reminder - our next meeting - open to all - is on Saturday 29th June at 9am at Ampthill Baptist Church - breakfast available from 8:45 am.  More details nearer the time.

Blessings, Marjorie