Good News
Carols in Flitwick Aldi.
Churches Together Ampthill and Flitwick
Are delighted to report that a recent Coffee morning for Christian Aid raised a grand total of £489.30, which is an amazing result . Many thanks to all who baked, and served in the kitchen (£255.30) and ran the raffle - which raised £133.00 on its own. We also received a £100 charity voucher.
MAY 2024
A wonderful day for Ampthill Flitwick with various activities associated
with 'wind' - a celebration of Pentecost.
APRIL 2024
Here is what our
Speaker Rev Tim Norwood
Welcome … on behalf of Churches Together in Bedfordshire.
Bedfordshire is geographically small with a large and diverse population. Throughout the county, from the largest of towns to the smallest of villages, the Christian church is active. Because of our shared Christian faith, the churches in many areas of the county are forming deeper relationships and working more closely together to serve our local communities in a wide variety of ways.
Churches Together in Bedfordshire encourages these closer relationships through its vision that Christian mission and Christian unity belong together. We work to support this vision, are very pleased to work with you in encouraging shared mission through Christian unity in your area of Bedfordshire.
I hope that you will find lots of useful information here about how the churches in Bedfordshire are committed to worshipping and working together in Christian faith. You can help to make this website even more helpful and informative by sharing your ‘Good News’ stories and asking us to publicise events and activities for you – so, please get in touch (see the Contact us section).
Whatever it is that brings you to this website, Churches Together in Bedfordshire hopes that you find your visit helpful, and we pray that God will bless you.
George Watt
(Chair, Churches Together in Bedfordshire)
What's New in JANUARY 2025
Wishing you a happy new year
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed from the 18th to the 25th January – the octave of St Peter and St Paul. This is an important time for the Church to reflect on the progress being made on the ecumenical journey.
Prayers for Today
" A visible sign of the Churches' commitment as they seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another, and proclaim the Gospel together by common witness and service. Its strength comes from people from different traditions finding new ways to work and worship together'. You are welcome to join us on our journey"
- Training Opportunity Enabling Skills for Ministry and Mission Course – starting in January 2024
What's On
For More Bedfordshire Events click "What’s On" on the main menu

Book Sale Blunham