Good News

MAY 2024


A wonderful day for  Ampthill Flitwick with various activities associated
with 'wind' - a celebration of Pentecost.


APRIL 2024

 Forum 24

 Here is what our
Speaker Rev Tim Norwood


Carols in the Rain

Carols in the Rain

 Carols in the Rain

 25+ souls  braved the weather and sang their hearts out.  They were joined by some hardy walkers as well.  These photos are evidence!  Thanks to Ampthill Town Council for their help and the use of the Nottingham performance area, which kept off the worst of the rain. Thanks also to the Town Mayor for adding her voice to the event.

MAY 2023

Coronation CraftsCoronation CraftsCoronation Crafts

CORONATION CRAFT in the PARK. Churches in Ampthill & Flitwick organised a wonderfully busy afternoon . A constant stream of children, young people and families made beautiful orbs, sceptres, jewelled necklaces, coloured flags and carriages. God provided lovely weather and his peace throughout some significant comversations.


Happy New Year! We will be taking part in The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity from 18th to the 25th January.



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