Quakers in Minehead today 

Meetings for Worship

Sundays 10.30-11.30 a.m. and first Fridays in the month 12.30-1.00 p.m. (followed by a simple lunch)

Quaker meeting house The Meeting House in Bancks Street, Minehead

A Quaker meeting for worship is open to anyone who would like to share in it. It is based on gathering as a group in silence, seeking to still our minds from the busyness of daily life and open our hearts to the presence of God in our midst, waiting expectantly together. 

There is no prearranged order of service or leader.  Quakers believe that each of us can be aware of the promptings of love and truth in our hearts, the divine presence, the Christ within us, the Spirit, the Light, the Seed - you will find that Quakers have a wide variety of words in which to describe their religious understandings, knowing that varied life experiences mean accepting what each finds to be valid in their experience and for their stage of life.

From the silence may arise a message someone feels led to share.  Another may read from the Bible or other inspirational writing, lead us in spoken prayer, or quote from a hymn or poem. Most of the time, however, there is a shared stillness, which we find creative and strengthening for the rest of the week.Quaker meetingWe sit in a circle, facing each other, emphasising the equal value of everyone present.  You can sit anywhere and you can be sure of a welcome. On the table in the centre there is a simple flower arrangement, a Bible and a copy of our own collection of writings, Quaker Faith and Practice. The room is furnished simply. There is a small library from which books about Quakerism can be borrowed. 

At the end of our worship, usually after an hour, two Elders will shake hands, and then we all shake the hand of those nearest to us. After the opportunity to share any thoughts arising from being together, there are notices of forthcoming events and news of members.  Afterwards, over cups of tea and biscuits, conversation flows freely. 

About 15 people are usually present and the presence of visitors is always welcome. Discussion and other groups take place during the week, often exploring the broad range of approaches to faith in the group and the practical implications for trying to make a better world. Quakers have particular emphases on working for a more peaceful world in which there is greater equality within and between nations. Environmental concerns fit in with a traditional approach to trying to live simply.

Minehead Quakers are part of Christians Together in Minehead. Members are active in various local organisations and are glad that their meeting house is well used by a variety of community groups.

For more about Quakers nationally and in general go to http://www.quaker.org.uk/

To contact someone in Minehead Quaker Meeting phone  01643 818176

To ask about hiring the Meeting House email   or phone 01643-224543

Quaker libraryThe Library shelves are well stocked with books and information about Quakers

To read more about the history of Quakers in Minehead please click here> History of Minehead Quakers 

Local Weather
overcast clouds
Feels like: -1°C
Humidity: 75%
Pressure: 1039
Wind: S at 15 mph