Welcome to Christians Together in Minehead
Discover how the christians from churches in Minehead and Alcombe are sharing and working together.
Please refer to the individual church's website,
you can find their details by clicking below:
We hope you'll visit our forthcoming events and joint services - see the What's on in Minehead section and read below for details of our special events and Services
To find out about our individual churches and service times please click Churches
New on our website:
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Click below for a leaflet showing the warm spaces available in Minehead and Alcombe:
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Citizens Advice West Somerset can be contacted anytime 24/7-leave a message if the phone is not answered. For further information, visit the website: www.westsomersetadvice.org.uk
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West Somerset Food Cupboard
October 2024 items most needed please:
Cheese crackers, breadsticks & mini cheddar packets
Individual Desserts/Custards, Jellies/Fruit Pots
Tinned Potatoes & packets of mash
Individual Squash/Juice Drinks
Cooking Oil/Jams and Chutney
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Meat- Ham/Corned Beef
For the latest foodcupboard news and needs please see our website:
Contact us by Email: foodcupboardws@outlook.com
Tel: 07795 080637
Website: www.wsfoodcupboard.org.uk
Charity No: 1198591
The food cupboard has a Facebook page. If you are a Facebook user please look for ‘W S Food Cupboard' and if possible like and share so that it is seen as widely as possible.
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Calling all Tescos shoppers! The Minehead Hope Centre Trust (Hope Centre) is one of the three causes that Tesco Minehead customers can vote for between October and January. Please take a blue token whenever you make a purchase and put it in our section of the collecting box on your way out of the store. If Hope Centre receives the most tokens, Tesco will award us £1,500 which will nearly cover our operating costs for a month!
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On the second Wednesday of each month, a ‘Souper’ Lunch is held in the Hall of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Townsend Road, Minehead. This is a local community function and all are welcome.
Doors are open at 12 noon with soups served from 12.15pm onwards.
Lunch consists of a variety of soups, rolls and butter, followed by a selection of desserts and coffee or tea. Lunchers are asked to make an offering of £5. Proceeds are donated to support Church and local charities.
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Please join us for a Community Meal
Come and share with us a delicious two course supper giving you the
opportunity to see what we offer at our community meal. This normally
takes place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month between 5pm and 6pm at The Beach Hotel, Minehead, and is attended by those who have been given a free meal voucher by local support agencies thereby giving them the opportunity to engage with others and enjoy a heart-warming healthy supper in pleasant surroundings.
To enable us to offset these costs we encourage the general public
to join us at this time and donate £5.00 for their supper.
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Employment Community Hub
The new Employment Communitee Hubs are currently in need of volunteers especially in Williton and Minehead. Could you help to support people with job searching, CV writing, completing applications and preparing for interviews or even the importance of confidence building? For details please contact Colleen Blake by email to
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Minehead Street Pastors:
Will you Join us?
School and Street Pastors are fully trained volunteers from all the churches of Minehead. It is drawing us closer together through prayer and action.
We are always looking for more people. Why not come along as an Observer to see what it is like?
Contact Audrey Williams for further information:
For more information click> Minehead Street Pastors
Somerset Choices A website for information and advice on care and support services in Someset. To read more - click> Somerset Choices
Hope Centre
If you want to give bedding, furniture, etc., call on 07949 642774 or 07949 642774 For more information contact us on: or at The Hope Centre, Minehead, C/O Minehead Baptist Church, Minehead, Somerset TA24 8BS
Struggling with Alcohol or Drugs? Free Support and Counselling from the Hope Centre, Minehead
A new local service for people who are struggling with alcohol or drugs but want to take steps to rebuild their lives is now open in Minehead. Please click here to read more > Hope Online
HELP a Young Person & Prevent Homelessness
Host for the YMCA and help prevent a young person from becoming homeless. Can you offer a room for the night to a young person, aged 16-24 years old, who is faced with homelessness? The YMCA are looking for hosts in the Minehead, Watchet and Williton area. We reimburse £15 per night and ask that you provide an evening meal, breakfast and use of washing facilities.
To find out more contact us on 01278 726040 or 01278 726040 E-mail: Website: www.bridgwaterymca.org and read more on this by clicking > YMCA Nightstop news