The page "About us" tells you what we are about, and how that is organised. On this page you can see how this pans out in practical terms. Occasionally we run special events, but most of our activities follow a weekly, monthly or yearly pattern.
Christian Viewpoint in the Westmorland Gazette
written by a different person each week
Summerhill (old people's home) service
3rd Wednesday at 2.30 pm
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity January 18th to January 25th
eight services in eight different churches
using the Churches Together in Britain and Ireland material
Ecumenical groups during Lent - both house groups and soup lunches
Good Friday - Passion for Kendal - passion play
Easter Sunday sunrise service at Kendal castle
Christmas act of witness - carols in town centre- outdoor service
AGM of course!
Every three months
The executive meets
with representatives from all the member churches