The Glastonbury foodbank
Foods that we collect for our food parcels
Items highlighted are currently in short supply and demand is extremely high at this time.
Covid 19 response
The foodbank is planning to keep open during the abnormal circumstances caused by the virus outbreak. We will need your help to keep supplies coming in. Please continue to make donations to the foodbank during this period. It is important to maintain a balanced supply so please consider donation the highlighted items not the items in light type which we use but have an adequate stock at this time. Red highlighted items are those that are usually in greatest need. Since the need fluctuates with demand and the donations that are recieved these items may change from time to time. Demand is random and we do not give out items past their use by date
The items that are not highlighted are given out by the foodbank but we have sufficient supplies for a short while even if we do not recieve any more donations of these items.
Tinned Vegetables - peas - carrots - sweetcorn - green beans - tomatoes
Tinned Fruit All types e.g. Mandarins, Peaches, Pears, Fruit Cocktail
Tinned Meat - Meat Pies - Stewed Meat - Slicing Meat (ham corned beef)
Tinned Puddings: Sponge Puddings - Custard - Rice puddings and similar
Tinned and Packet Soup
Baked Beans
Ready Meals (e.g. Rice/Pasta packets)
Breakfast Cereal
Fruit Juice
Peanut Butter
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Fish
Long life food from the above list (no fresh food please!) can be donated in our collecting boxes in the Morrison's and Earthfare stores in Glastonbury. There is also a small box in Nationwide All the churches in "Churches Together in Glastonbury" will also take donations. Many of the churches in the wider coverage area of BA6 and BA16 will take your donations for the foodbank but please check with them first. In Street donations can now be handed in at the Crispin Community Centre. Please note that during the current crisis collection points in churches currentlly have no availability. Cash donations are also welcome - please consider filling in a Foodbank Gift aid form so that income tax can be reclaimed on your donation.
Page last reviewed 25th May 2020