A Christian Seder (Passover Supper) was held at Lidlington this year. 30 people attended the evening which incorporated a full roast lamb dinner. This is the way it was announce: 

“Passover is the oldest and most important religious festival in Judaism, commemorating God’s deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt and his creation of the Israelite people. The focal point of Passover is a communal meal, called the Seder, which is a time of rejoicing and celebration at the deliverance for the Hebrews that God accomplished in the exodus. Passover was the meal Jesus celebrated  with His  disciples as the Last Supper.

Since the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70 Passover has been celebrated in the home with family and friends. It is customary to invite guests to share the Seder meal, especially newcomers to the community, and it would be lovely if you would join us”  

Care was taken to try to address the very real and current nature of the Seder in Judaism; it was a joyful event for the church family and a number of guests.