To give a personal or church donation to Churches Together in Bury St Edmunds and District, please pay direct into the bank account at Lloyds:
Sort Code 30-91-49
Account number 01288135
Please then email our Treasurer at to confirm the payment details.
If you are a personal UK taxpayer and would like us to apply for Gift Aid on your donation, please declare that and provide your name and home address to the Treasurer in that same email. The absence of these details will prevent us from claiming from HMRC the Gift Aid on your donation.
We are very grateful for your support for our continuing work on behalf of our Churches Together.
Our suggested contributions from churches (benefices) in 2023 is:
Average congregations of less than 25: £44.00
Average congregations of 25 - 99: £88.00
Average congregations of more than 100: £132.00
We welcome any contribution from individuals.