Mission Statement
Churches Together Bury St. Edmunds and District is a fellowship of churches believing in one God, experienced in three persons as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
At the centre of our life is Jesus Christ who was God in the world (incarnation), who died on the cross to save us from the power of sin and to give us a new life (Salvation), who was raised on the third day to be our living Lord, and who ascended into heaven where he reigns forever as King (Glorified).
We make four pledges:
1. To worship together whenever possible, especially during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Christian Aid Week and other appropriate occasions. (Worship)
2. To pray together as often as possible in services, prayer breakfasts, in small groups and to pray regularly for each other. (Prayer)
3. To study together as opportunity arises to deepen our faith, our understanding of God's Word and our appreciation of each other's traditions. (Study)
4. To witness together through events such as the Good Friday Walk of Witness, the Summer Celebration in the Abbey Gardens, and the Christmas Carol service and to do together everything we do not have to do apart to forward the Mission of the church to which we are all called and to meet the needs of the local people. (Action)