2014Minehead Events Calendar |

Sunday, February 23
Time: | 3:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | Quaker Meeting Room, Bancks Street |
Summary: | CTiM Service |
Description: | Christians Together in Minehead service, Quaker Meeting Room, 3pm |
Friday, March 7
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Friday, March 14
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Tuesday, March 18
Time: | 7:00pm - 9:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Minehead Parish Mens Christian Fellowship: More Constabulary Memories - Norman Ackland The Fellowship is open to all men living in the Minehead area. We meet for friendship and discussion in a relaxed and informal manner. |
Friday, March 21
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Friday, March 28
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Friday, April 4
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Friday, April 11
Time: | 12:30pm - 1:30pm |
Location: | Sacred Heart RC Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Lent Lunches |
Description: | FRIDAYS 12.30 to 1.30pm From 7th March to 11th April 2014 AT THE HALL behind the SACRED HEART ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, TOWNSEND ROAD, MINEHEAD in aid of the Syria appeal and Homestart |
Tuesday, April 15
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Chairman's Choice - Pat will entertain and educate with some of his wide ranging craft skills - Pat Preston. The Fellowship is open to all men living in the Minehead area. We meet for friendship and discussion in a relaxed and informal manner. |
Saturday, April 19
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | Messy Church |
Description: | St Andrews, Wellington Square, Minehead, Messy Church 3 - 5pm |
Monday, May 5
Time: | 9:00am - 2:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | May Fayre |
Description: | Annual May Fayre, many stalls including books, bottles,cakes, tombola etc. Refreshments available. 10.00 a.m till 3.00 p.m. St. Andrew's Church ,Wellington Square. |
Thursday, May 15
Time: | 6:30pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | The Mikado |
Description: | Watchet Choral Society sings the concert version of "The Mikado". Tickets £5 |
Tuesday, May 20
Time: | 5:00pm - 8:00pm |
Location: | Foxes Hotel, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship - Annual Dinner |
Description: | ANNUAL DINNER. Our own ladies and all our friends from the Parish are cordially invited - menus and booking details later |
Tuesday, June 17
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Details to follow |
Saturday, July 5
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Minehead |
Summary: | Street Pastors Sunday |
Time: | 9:00am - 3:00pm |
Location: | Map from St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | Open Gardens |
Description: | 5 gardens open to view. Free map provided. Refreshments available. Tickets £2 per garden or £7.50 for all 5. For more information or tickets tel. 702592 or 709442 or collect from St. Andrew's Church Friday morning Mini Market. |
Tuesday, July 15
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Details to follow |
Saturday, July 19
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | The Avenue Methodist Church, Minehead |
Summary: | Garden Party |
Description: | This year's CTiM Garden Party will be held at Minehead Methodist Church in the front garden (or in the hall if wet). |
Sunday, July 27
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Monday, July 28
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Tuesday, July 29
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Wednesday, July 30
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Thursday, July 31
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Friday, August 1
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Saturday, August 2
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Sunday, August 3
Time: | All day event |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 Exhibition |
Description: | WW1 Exhibition at St Andrew's church July 28th to August 3rd. Displays, memorabilia, talks (times still to be confirmed). Culminates in service of commemoration at 3pm on Sunday 3rd. |
Time: | 2:00pm - 3:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | WW1 service of commemoration |
Tuesday, August 5
Time: | 9:00am - 11:30am |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Holiday Club |
Description: | August Holiday Club at Alcombe for children 5 - 11 years
Wednesday, August 6
Time: | 9:00am - 11:30am |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Holiday Club |
Description: | August Holiday Club at Alcombe for children from 5 - 11 years
Thursday, August 7
Time: | 9:00am - 11:30am |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Holiday Club |
Description: | August Holiday Club at Alcombe for children from 5 - 11 years
Friday, August 8
Time: | 9:00am - 12:30pm |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Holiday Club |
Description: | August Holiday Club at Alcombe for children from 5 - 11 years
Tuesday, September 16
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Details to follow |
Saturday, September 20
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | Messy Chirch |
Saturday, October 11
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Messy Church |
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | Concert |
Description: | "Music For Pleasure - - from Bach to Bacharat" Luke Moore and his friends will entertain on Saturday 11th October at 3pm in St Andrew's Church Minehead. Tickets £5 including refreshments |
Tuesday, October 21
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Details to follow |
Tuesday, November 11
Time: | 6:30pm - 8:00pm |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Remembrance Day Service |
Description: | An 'alternative Taize style' Remembrance Day service at 7pm with light refreshments from 6:30pm |
Saturday, November 15
Time: | 3:00pm - 5:00pm |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Wellington Square, Minehead |
Summary: | Messy Church |
Tuesday, November 18
Time: | 7:00pm - 9:30pm |
Location: | URC Hall, Bancks Street, Minehead |
Summary: | Mens Fellowship Meeting |
Description: | Quiz Night |
Wednesday, November 19
Time: | 6:30pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | The Avenue Methodist Church, Minehead |
Summary: | AGM and Ecumenical evening |
Description: | Beginning with a Bring and Share supper, please bring a contribution, savoury or sweet, drinks provided. A brief CTiM AGM will present a report on the past year and elect officers for the coming year. Our Guest Speaker will be Carl Smethurst from Watchet Baptist Church who will talk about the work of the churches in the community
Saturday, December 13
Time: | 3:00pm - 5:00pm |
Location: | Alcombe Methodist Church |
Summary: | Messy Church |
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