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Glastonbury Events Calendar

Thursday, March 3
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: 53 Hill Head in aid of Christian Aid.
Friday, March 4
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Women's World Day of Prayer
Description: United Reformed Church preceeded by refreshements
Saturday, March 5
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Butliegh
Summary: Fair Trade Open House
Description: The Paddock Barton Road Butliegh BA6 8TH
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: St Mary's Hall in aid of Jesuit Refugee relief Syria.
Tuesday, March 8
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Enabling Group
Description: Quarterly Meeting
Thursday, March 10
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: 12 Barn Green in aid of Christian Aid
Saturday, March 12
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: St Mary's hall in aid of Jesuit refugee relief in Syria
Sunday, March 13
Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Spring Afternoon Concert
Description: St Benedict's Church.  Retiring collection for repairs to Bechstein piano
Saturday, March 19
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: St John's in aid of Christian Aid
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Lent Lunch
Description: St Mary's hall in aid of Jesuit refugee relief Syria
Friday, March 25
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Walk of Witness
Description: Service at the URC followed by silent walk of witness around the town centre carrying a cross.  Ending at St John's - coffee and hot cross buns available.
Saturday, April 16
Time: 9:30am - 4:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Prayer Pilgrimage
Description: Glastonbury Methodist Church Prayer pilgrimage.  Church Open 10:30 visit to other churches 14:00.
Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Musical Theatre Matinee
Description: Musical Matinee at St Benedict's Church, directed by Viola Nagel, in costume with movement.  For restoration of St Benedict's Grand Piano. Collection at the door.
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Spring Concert
Description: Cantilena Choir Spring Concert in St Mary's Church.
Wednesday, April 20
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Annual General Meeting
Description: Annual General meeting followed by an open forum to discuss current and future joint events and projects.  Location Methodist Church
Friday, April 22
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: I Believe
Description: A post Easter Play at St John's Church.  A short play with humour, music and song, looks at the vaguaries of the belief following the most important event in the Christian Calendar
Friday, May 6
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Glastonbury
Summary: Male Voice Choir
Description: On Friday 6th May we welcome the popular "GLASTONBURY MALE VOICE CHOIR" who will be coming to St Benedict's Church Benedict St Glastonbury, to give us a full evening of their amazing repertoire. The Concert will be free and starts at 7.30 pm (refreshments available in the interval). There will be a retiring collection in aid of our Bechstein piano restoration.


Sunday, May 15
Time: 9:45am - 10:45am
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Christian Aid United Service
Description: This years Christian Aid United Service will be hald at the Methodist Church on 15th May
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Saints Alive
Description: As part of their 150 year celebration the Methodist Church will be hosting a performance of Saints Alive by singers from their Circuit area.
Friday, May 27
Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church Hall
Summary: Foodbank AGM
Description: Glastonbury Bridging the Gap will be holding its AGM in the Methodist Church Hall.  19:00 for 19:30
Saturday, June 11
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Glastonbury URC
Summary: Big Brunch for Christian Aid
Description: Glastonbury URC invites you to a big brunch.  June 11th 2016 11a.m. - 1p.m. All Welcome.  Donations for Christian Aid, Please give generously.
Friday, July 1
Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Location: St Benedicts Church Glastonbury
Summary: Music with Her Silver Sound

Cantelena Choir celebrates Summer and Shakespeare

Folksongs, Summer Glees and Readings

Followed by buffet supper


Tickets (£10) from The Glastonbury Music Shop or phone 01458 447069 or on the door (subject to availability) 

Thursday, July 21
Time: 9:00am - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Prayer Pilgrimage

Glastonbury Methodist Church
Day of Prayer
Thursday 21st July 10am - 9pm

10am Opening prayer

11am Creative session with Jane Wren

12-1 Sharing fellowship over our packed lunches

1pm Making bread - step 1

2pm Introduction to praying the rosary by Patricia Ashe
from St Mary's RC Church
Have you ever wondered what it means to pray the Rosary?

3pm Praying with music - Margaret Bryant

3.30pm Creative session

4pm Prayer walk up the Tor - Feeling energetic? Come
and pray for our town as we climb the Tor.

5.30pm Peace prayer vigil

7pm Bangers & Thanks - Join us for a supper of
sausages and beans!

7.30pm Group Discussion on Pilgrimage

8.30pm Closing worship

There will be opportunities throughout the day for various individual and structured activities. You can pop in for a few minutes or stay as long as you like. Light refreshments available; bring your sandwiches for some lunchtime fellowship.

For where two or three gather in my name,
there am I with them. Matt 18:20

Sunday, July 24
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St Bededict's
Summary: Summer Afternoon Concert
Description: St Benedict's Church invite you all to a pleasant "SUMMER AFTERNOON CONCERT" on Sunday 24th July in St Benedict's Church 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm T h e concert is free, refreshments will be available during the interval, and there will be a Retiring Collection in aid of the restoration of our Bechstein Grand Piano.
The Concert will feature :- "Glastonbury Voices" Choir, Ruth Greenwood Piano, Roger Bond and Richard Jenkins instrumental and Piano, and finally Martin Turnbull Piano and Song."
Friday, September 16
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Festival of Talents
Description: Friday Programme
10 am
Displays in the Church
10 am - 11 am
Refreshments in the Hall
11 am - 12 noon in the Church
Talk ‘Somerset Total Communications'
Poetry readings
12 noon - 1 pm
Light snack lunches in the Hall
1.30 pm
Story-telling/Poetry in the Church
2 pm
"My dog Angel" in the Church
2.30 pm
Games in the Hall
3 pm - 4 pm
Refreshments in the Hall
Saturday, September 17
Time: 9:00am - 3:00pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Festival of Talents
Description: Saturday Programme
10 am
Displays in the Church
10 am - 11 am
Refreshments in the Hall
11 am - 12 noon in the Church
‘My Passion: Cricket'
Music Group
singing of ‘A Rainbow's Colours' hymn
12 noon - 1 pm
Light snack lunches in the Hall
1.30 pm
Weaving demonstration in the Hall
2.30 pm
Music, Poetry & Story-telling in the Church
3 pm - 4 pm
Refreshments in the Hall
Sunday, October 2
Time: 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Glastonbury St Bewnedict's
Summary: Week of Guided Prayer
Description: Opening and introduction to the week of guided prayer for pilgrims and companions followed by tea.  If you are not booked to attend please pray at home with the pilgrims, see the week of accompanied prayer page for a pray at home leaflet.
Saturday, October 8
Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm
Location: Glastonbury St Benedict's
Summary: Week of Guided Prayer
Description: Closing get-together - prayer and reflection - followed by a bring and share buffet lunch for pilgrims and companions.  If you are not booked to attend please pray at home with the pilgrims, see the week of accompanied prayer page for a pray at home leaflet.
Sunday, October 9
Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Location: St Mary's Church Glastonbury
Summary: Marian Jubilee day of prayer
Description: The Catholic Diocese of Clifton Marian Jubilee during the year of mercy.  A time of prayer and reflection at the shrine including the rosary.  Will include opportunity for the sacrament of reconcilliation and benediction.  Refreshments will be available.
Saturday, November 26
Time: 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Glastonbury Market Cross
Summary: Carol Singing
Description: Carols led by Churches Together as part of the Frost Fayre
Sunday, November 27
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Advent Carol Service
Description: Advent Carols at St John's
Sunday, December 4
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St Benedicts
Summary: Christmas Concert
Description: Glastonbury voices Christmas Concert, at St Benedict's
Saturday, December 10
Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St Benedict's
Summary: Christmas Music
Description: Pheonix Brass Christmas music at St Benedict's
Sunday, December 11
Time: 10:00am - 11:15am
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Switch on of lights
Description: Switch on lights of Christmas tree festival during parish Communion at St John's
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Meare, St Mary
Summary: Carol Service
Description: Christmas Carol service at St Mary Meare (Anglican)
Wednesday, December 14
Time: 10:30am - 11:00am
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Cutting of Holy Thorn
Description: Ceremony of the cutting of the Holy Thorn in St John's Churchyard
Time: 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Christmas Concert
Description: Glastonbury Male voice choir Christmas Concert at St John's
Saturday, December 17
Time: 1:15pm - 2:15pm
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Concert
Description: Carols and Organ music concert at St John's
Sunday, December 18
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
Location: Glastonbury URC
Summary: Carol Service
Description: Carols Service at United Reformed Church
Time: 10:30am - 11:45am
Location: Glastonbury Landmark House
Summary: Christmas Celebration
Description: Grace Church Christmas Celebration
Time: 10:45am - 11:45am
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Jaffa Nativity
Description: Children's nativity service at the Methodist Church
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Carol Service
Description: Christmas Carol Service at St John's
Friday, December 23
Time: 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Location: Glastonbury martket cross
Summary: Carol Singing
Description: Churches together carol singing to follow the weekly peace vigil at the market cross.
Saturday, December 24
Time: 5:00pm - 6:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Crib Service
Description: Christmas Crib service at St John's
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Glastonbury St Benedict's
Summary: Carol service
Description: Carol Service at St Benedict's
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Glastonbury Methodist Church
Summary: Carol Service
Description: ChristmasCarol Service at the Methodist Church
Time: 11:15pm - 12:00am Sunday, December 25
Location: Glastonbury Landmark House
Summary: Christmas Meeting
Description: Grace Church Christmas Meeting
Time: 11:30pm - 12:00am Sunday, December 25
Location: Glastonbury St Mary's
Summary: Carol Service
Description: Carol service preceding midnight mass at St Mary's
Time: 11:30pm - 12:00am Sunday, December 25
Location: Glastonbury St Mary's
Summary: Midnight Mass
Description: Midnight Mass at St John's
Sunday, December 25
Time: 8:00am - 9:00am
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Holy Communion
Description: Holy Communion (BCP) at St John's
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Glastonbury St John's
Summary: Christmas family communion
Description: Christmas family communion at St John's
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Glastonbury URC
Summary: Christmas Celebration Service
Description: Joint Christmas day service at United Reformed Church shared with Methodist's
Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: Glastonbury St Mary's
Summary: Christmas Mass
Description: Christms Mass at St Mary's