Churches Share in Good Friday Act of Witness
29th March 2013
Christians of many denominations braved wintry weather to take part in Churches Together in Farnham's Good Friday Walk of Witness through the town.
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Keeping the customary silence, the procession followed the large wooden cross through streets busy with holiday shoppers. The Revd John Edwards, of Holy Family Heath End, led prayer at the start in The Hart — and the Rector of Farnham, the Revd Simon Reynolds, led prayer at the finish in St Andrew’s Churchyard.
He said silence was right on this most solemn day of the year - silent awe at the inexhaustable love of God revealed in Christ’s self-sacrifice; silent wonder at the outpouring of pain and compassion; silent grief at the body of Christ hanging from the cross; and silent gratitude that all this suffering and injustice is overcome by a victory of light and life, by which humanity has peace with God.
“All our attempts to explain the meaning of today should simply give way to the silent mystery of the cross, which is the still point of the turning world, which brings us to our knees in wonder, love and praise.”
The Rector concluded with a Grace of Indian origin: “May the cross of the Son of God, who is mightier than all the powers of evil, abide with you in your going out and your coming in. From the wrath of evil, and from indifference to the needs of our neighbours, may it guard, protect and deliver us: and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always. Amen”
Finally all joined in singing “When I behold the wondrous cross”.
The Walk of Witness was organised by Stewart Dakers on behalf of Churches Together in Farnham. Stephen Knowles, of St Andrew’s, was the bearer of the cross. PC Alex Regan escorted the procession at the front and Mavis Leach drove the car at the rear. Martyn Young, of Farnham Pentecostal Church, carried Churches Together in Farnham’s Banner.
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