Welcome to the: Churches Together in Crayford Website.
Our Annual General Meeting, was held at St. Mary of the Crays Church, Old Road, Crayford, on Thursday 4th July 2024 at 7.45pm.
During the meeting we heard from from the CEO of CRIBS, (Christian Resoutces in Bexley Schools) giving us an insight into the good work the are currently doing in our community. Get more information on their work from the link on our "Features" Page.
The Committee for the following year was elected as follows,
Chair: Rotating
Treasurer: AR (St. Mary of the Crays)
Minute Secretary: CR (Crayford Baptist Church)
Committee Members:
Clergy of our Churches automatically included.
BG & DM - St. Paulinus Church
TS & AR - St. Mary of the Crays
VW & CR - Crayford Baptist Church
BI & MI - Acts II Church
This is situated outside the side door of Crayford Baptist Church at the Chapel Hill entrance.
The Community Fridge is open every Wednesday from 1-2.30pm.
Our purpose is to help to stop food waste. Everyone is welcome to come and take anything they need. No vouchers required.
See FEATURES for latest Foodbank updates.
for latest Foodbank updates.
See FEATURES for link to Evergreen Care, Bexley
