Events and Joint year-round activities
To find out what is happening in each Church, please look at 'contact us', or use the 'links' to access each Church's web page. There's lots happening and you are welcome to come along and be part of it!
Our joint year-round activity is the Seniors Lunch Club. This is organised and staffed by volunteers from the South Ham Churches Together.
It is for people over 55 who live in South Ham, West Ham, or the Berg. There is a lovely home-cooked lunch for just £3.50 (to cover costs and pay our cook!) on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, held at St Joseph's Church. Meals need to be booked by the Tuesday before the meal at the latest. Call for details and bookings to the St Joseph's Church office on 01256 323595.
We have special joint events and activities around Easter and Christmas.