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Kendal and District Events Calendar

Friday, January 18
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Stricklandgate Methodist Church
Summary: Day 1
Saturday, January 19
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: KURC Highgate
Summary: Day 2
Description: Kendal United Reformed Church Highgate
Sunday, January 20
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: St. George's Gooseholme
Summary: Day 3

"Big service"
Preacher Rev. Saju Mathalay

Monday, January 21
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 7:30pm - 8:15pm
Location: Grayrigg
Summary: Day 4
Description: St. John's Grayrigg
Tuesday, January 22
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Sandylands
Summary: Day 5

Two services Sandylands and St. Thomas' Selside


Time: 7:30pm - 8:15pm
Location: Selside - St.Thomas'
Summary: Day 5
Description: Services at Selside St. Thomas's and Sandylands
Wednesday, January 23
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: St. Thomas' Stricklandgate
Summary: Day 6
Thursday, January 24
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: HT&SG New Road
Summary: Day 7

Holy Trinity & St. George Roman Catholic
New Road Kendal

Friday, January 25
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Time: 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Location: Quakers
Summary: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Day 8
Description: Friend's Meeting House
Saturday, February 9
Time: 9:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: Manna House
Summary: Vulnerable and homeless - prayers
Description: Hour of prayer and worship at Manna House for the homeless and vulnerable adults of our community!
Friday, March 1
Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Kendal Parish Church, Kirkland
Summary: Women's World Day of Prayer

We are proud to be hosting Kendal's Women's World Day of Prayer WWDP service on Fri 1 March at 2pm.

This special service has been prepared by the women of France on the theme 'I was a stranger and you welcomed me'. The service they have written for us has a strongly French feel and flavour

France like other European countries receives many asylum requests. In 2011 51900 people applied for asylum in France. The presence of these people in the country both enriches the culture and can cause social difficulties. Behind each request each statistic is the story of a life. Some of those stories will be shared in the service.

All are welcome to attend men and women and people of all ages. For further information see the WWDP website: www.wwdp-natcomm.org

Lucy Foster (Kendal Parish Church), 21st January 2013

Thursday, April 25
Time: All day event
Location: Barrow
Summary: Jairus' daughter
Description: Roger Jones musical
Friday, April 26
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal URC
Summary: Jairus' daughter
Description: Kendal URC
Monday, April 29
Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Caring for Kendal
Description: A forum with speakers from differentorganizations
Sunday, May 5
Time: All day event
Location: Around Kendal
Summary: Walking Together 2013

CTiKD Walking Together 2013
for Christian Aid
May 6 - 11
We are looking for help please:
For walks about 4-7 miles and not too far from Kendal
& Walkers

Monday, May 6
Time: All day event
Location: Around Kendal
Summary: Walking Together 2013

CTiKD Walking Together 2013
for Christian Aid
May 6 - 11
We are looking for help please:
For walks about 4-7 miles and not too far from Kendal
& Walkers

Tuesday, May 7
Time: All day event
Location: Around Kendal
Summary: Walking Together 2013

CTiKD Walking Together 2013
for Christian Aid
May 6 - 11
We are looking for help please:
For walks about 4-7 miles and not too far from Kendal
& Walkers

Wednesday, May 8
Time: All day event
Location: Around Kendal
Summary: Walking Together 2013

CTiKD Walking Together 2013
for Christian Aid
May 6 - 11
We are looking for help please:
For walks about 4-7 miles and not too far from Kendal
& Walkers

Thursday, May 9
Time: All day event
Location: Around Kendal
Summary: Walking Together 2013

CTiKD Walking Together 2013
for Christian Aid
May 6 - 11
We are looking for help please:
For walks about 4-7 miles and not too far from Kendal
& Walkers

Thursday, May 23
Time: 6:15pm - 8:30pm
Location: KURC
Summary: CTiKD AGM

Annual General Meeting

Reports of the year


Sunday, September 1
Time: 5:30pm - 6:00pm
Location: KURC
Summary: Farewell LisMullen
Description: Lis's lastservice
Monday, September 9
Time: All day event
Location: Cumbria
Summary: Pilgramage Walk

Organized by The Friends (Quakers)

Details on CTiC website

Tuesday, September 10
Time: 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Kendal
Summary: CTiKD exec meeting


Thursday, September 12
Time: All day event
Location: Westmorland Showground
Summary: Westmorland Show Rest Tent
Description: CTiKD will have the usual rest tent
Friday, September 20
Time: All day event
Location: Carlisle
Summary: John Bell
Description: Organised by CTiC
Thursday, September 26
Time: 9:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Exec meeting
Wednesday, October 2
Time: 8:30am - 10:30am
Location: Kendal URC Highgate
Summary: Coffee - CAP
Description: KURC monthly charity coffee morning
Tuesday, October 8
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal primary schools
Summary: 9th-25th NISCU Primary School Puppet Roadshow
Wednesday, October 9
Time: 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Location: Quaker Meeting (Tapestry) Kendal
Summary: Quaker - all welcome
Description: Experience a Quaker meeting at the Kendal Meeting House, followed by refreshments. It lasts half an hour.
Friday, October 11
Time: 11:30am - 12:00pm
Location: Quaker Meeting (Tapestry) Kendal
Summary: Quaker- all welcome
Description: Experience a Quaker meeting at the Kendal Meeting House, followed by refreshments. It lasts half an hour.
Saturday, October 12
Time: All day event
Location: QuakerMeeting (Tapestry) Kendal
Summary: Quaker - all welcome
Description: Experience a Quaker meeting at the Kendal Meeting House, followed by refreshments. It lasts an hour.
Thursday, October 17
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: HOPE prayer focus

HOPE   2014 prayer focus starts
18-10-2013 to 31-1-2014
To be launched at redeemed Christian Church of God London's
  Excel Centre



Saturday, October 19
Time: All day event
Location: The World
Summary: Start of One World Week
Description: For everyone, whatever faith.
Monday, October 21
Time: 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Location: Manna House
Summary: 2nd Winter Shelter training
Description: Second training for volunteers at Manna House, Aynum Road, Kendal
Thursday, October 24
Time: All day event
Location: Kendal primary schools
Summary: NISCUPuppet Show last day
Saturday, October 26
Time: All day event
Location: National
Summary: Bible Sunday
Thursday, October 31
Time: 7:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Friends' Meeting House Stramondgate Kendal
Summary: Fighting Finance - climate change
Description: WDM Carbon Capital speaker tour; Hendrik Sirengar and Alex Scrivener 
Saturday, November 2
Time: 9:30am - 2:30pm
Location: St. Thomas's Kendal
Summary: Bishop James Teaching Day

St Thomas Bishop James Teaching Day - What is the Sermon on the Mount?

Details from Bishop.penrith@carlislediocese.org.uk


Wednesday, November 6
Time: 9:30am - 11:30am
Location: KURC Highgate Kendal
Summary: Coffee SA Homeless @ Xmas
Description: Coffee morning for the Salvation Army "Homeless at Christmas"
Friday, November 15
Time: All day event
Summary: NISCU away weekend

NISCU Away weekend

For 11-18s

Saturday, November 16
Time: All day event
Summary: NISCU away weekend

NISCU Away weekend

For 11-18s

Sunday, November 17
Time: All day event
Summary: NISCU away weekend

NISCU Away weekend

For 11-18s

Wednesday, November 20
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Kendal Town Hall Georgian room
Summary: Interfaith readings

Readings from different faiths including Christianity

Friday, November 22
Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: KURC, Highgate
Summary: Prison week - Sycamore Tree Restorative Justice

Sycamore Tree Restorative Justice Programme

Speaker Jill Shaw




A meeting to inform about Prisonweek

Saturday, November 23
Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Westmorland Centre
Summary: Interfaith display
Description: Displaysfrom many interfaith groups - including Christians
Monday, November 25
Time: 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Shakespeare Centre, Kendal
Summary: Christmas Auction

Christmas Auction - wonderful donations by many of loyal
  supporters from the businesses in town

Buyers needed - and have fun and get Christmas presents

6.45 for 7.30


Tuesday, November 26
Time: 2:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Kendal and District
Summary: Exec CTiKD

Quarterly exec meeting-

for all CTiKD reps, but visitors welcome

Friday, November 29
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm
Location: Kendal Town hall
Summary: CTiKD Coffee morning

CTiKD meets the coffee drinkers of Kendal 

Bric-a-brac cakes


Saturday, November 30
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: KURC Highgate
Summary: KURC Christmas coffee morning

A pre Christmas chance to buy presents, and get into the Christmas mood

Time: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: St. Thomas's
Summary: Advent Fair
Description: A pre advent fair for supporting Christian workers
Saturday, December 14
Time: 1:15pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: The Bird Cage
Summary: Christmas at the Birdcage

The annual Christmas outdoor event  |This year includes The Kendal Shepherd's Play performed by Kendal Community Theatre, singing by Lakeland  Voices and brass playing by The Trombonistas.

First performance 1.15 pm and 2nd at 1.45 pm.

Wednesday, December 25
Time: 1:00am - 11:30pm
Location: world wide
Summary: Xmas
Description: Church and food and stockings