Welcome to Churches Together in Heathfield and District
Discover how the churches in Heathfield and District are sharing and working together.
We hope you'll visit our forthcoming events and services. Please see the What's On tab for details.
Churches Together in Heathfield & District unites in pilgrimage those Churches who acknowledge God's revelation in Christ and confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures.
We have committed ourselves to work together, in obedience to God's will and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
CommunityHeathfield is a small rural town in East Sussex which grew rapidly after the coming of the railway - later to be axed in the Beeching Plan. It has a population of about 8000. Heathfield had two parishes: Old Heathfield and Waldron but after its growth a third parish was formed - St. Richard's, and the area of Cross-in Hand developed as a part of Waldron on the main A267 road (Eastbourne to Tunbridge Wells).
Officers of Churches Together In Heathfield and District
Moderators Mr Frank and Mrs Barbarann Smith 01580 819326
Vice-Moderator Rev. Vicky Martin
Secretary Miss Sue Mumford 01580 819415
Treasurer Pat Hobden 01435 813373
The CTH & District Forum (members of the clergy and lay representatives appointed by all member churches) meets at least four times a year and the four officers above meet occasionally as required. Together with the Vice-Moderator and a few lay representatives the Fraternal form a planning group to work out Events and general business of CTH & District