
Building Together 2-4pm on Saturdays (monthly) at St Mary's Church Hall, Fordingbridge. Stay and play with Lego brick building, construction toys, quiet zone, refreshments and more. All ages and abilities welcome.
Building Together



2pm-3.30pm Tea and Play for Men at the Salvation Army Hall, SP6 1AQ. For men with their babies, toddlers & children under 5. Free entry, refreshments available.

Men's Tea  Play 


Mondays and Fridays

9.30am-12.30pm Tea and Play Cafe at the Salvation Army Hall, SP6 1AQ.
For those with or looking after babies, toddlers & children under 5.
Drop in for refreshments, snacks and plenty of play!
Free entry. 
Tea  Play 


9.30am-11am Little Buds at The Branch, 1 High Street, SP6 1AS. Parent and carer group for babies not yet on the move. Every Friday during term time. 

 Little Buds



9.30am-11.30am Superstars at St Mary's Church Hall, SP6 1BB. A stay and play session every Friday during term time, for babies and young children age 0-5 with their adults. Suggested donation £2.50. Sensory activities, crafts, storytime, songs & a healthy snack.

Superstars Playgroup