Building Together 2-4pm on Saturdays (monthly) at St Mary's Church Hall, Fordingbridge. Stay and play with Lego brick building, construction toys, quiet zone, refreshments and more. All ages and abilities welcome.

2pm-3.30pm Tea and Play for Men at the Salvation Army Hall, SP6 1AQ. For men with their babies, toddlers & children under 5. Free entry, refreshments available.
Mondays and Fridays
9.30am-12.30pm Tea and Play Cafe at the Salvation Army Hall, SP6 1AQ.
For those with or looking after babies, toddlers & children under 5.
Drop in for refreshments, snacks and plenty of play!
Free entry.

9.30am-11am Little Buds at The Branch, 1 High Street, SP6 1AS. Parent and carer group for babies not yet on the move. Every Friday during term time.
9.30am-11.30am Superstars at St Mary's Church Hall, SP6 1BB. A stay and play session every Friday during term time, for babies and young children age 0-5 with their adults. Suggested donation £2.50. Sensory activities, crafts, storytime, songs & a healthy snack.