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September 2015

Churches Together in Farnham Events Calendar

Friday, September 11
Time: All day event
Location: all participating churches
Summary: Ride and Stride for Churches
Description: Visit as many churches as you can today by bicycle or on foot and raise sponsorship money towards the preservation of your own and other historic Surrey churches.
Time: All day event
Location: various locations
Summary: Farnham Heritage Weekend
Description: Many churches and other historic buildings open to the public over this weekend - from 10th to 13th September.
Saturday, September 12
Time: 11:00am - 3:00pm
Summary: St Andrew's Parish Fayre
Description: Many attractions, stalls, music, etc., and the opportunity for your teddy to make a parachute drop from the top of the tower.
Sunday, September 20
Time: 1:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Summary: St Peter's Church Fund Raising Challenge
Description: Walk, toddle, scoot, cycle, run skip r jog around the forest for an hour. Picnic tea afterwards. This is in aid of St Peter's, Wreccleshame, Restoration and Development Project. 
Friday, September 25
Time: All day event
Location: Farnham Methodist Church, South Street
Summary: Farnham Methodist Church Open for Prayer
Description: To mark CWR's National Weekend of Prayer, Farnham Methodist Church will be open for prayer today.