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November 9 - November 15

Churches Together in Farnham Events Calendar

Sunday, November 9
Time: 9:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: St John's, War Memorial, and Hale Methodist Church
Summary: Remembrance Sunday at Hale

Remembrance Services in Hale

A Service of Remembrance will take place at 9:30am at St John's followed by 10:45am at the War Memorial and then at 11:15am  a Joint Service at Hale Methodist Church (no service at St Mark's).

Time: 10:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: St George's Church, Badshot Lea
Summary: Remembrance Sunday in Badshot Lea

Badshot Lea Remembrance

In Badshot Lea the 10am Shortened Service at St George's will be  followed by 10:50am at the War Memorial.

Time: 4:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: Weybourne War Memorial
Summary: Remembrance Sunday in Weybourne


 Weybourne Remembrance

In Weybourne there will be a Service of Remembrance at 4pm at the War Memorial followed by refreshments in the Village Hall.  

Friday, November 14
Time: 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1
Location: St George's Church, Badshot Lea

A Musical Miscellany

A fund-raising concert will take place at St.George’s, Badshot Lea, at 7:30 p.m on Friday 14th November.  It will include some popular organ pieces, a 'mini' choir assembled from some parish and community choir members and a few from the 'Sedici' choir, flutes, recorders, duets and the family band.  The concert will finish with a “Last Night of the Proms” theme for all to join in — then drinks and nibbles in the church hall — all for £5.00 per person in aid of St.George’s Fabric Fund.