2014Churches Together in Farnham Events Calendar |

Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Family, Heath End, GU9 0LH |
Summary: | New Year Service |
Description: |
MIDDAY SERVICE On 1st January 2014 at Holy Family, Heath End - Midday New Year's Day Service
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Methodist Church, South Street, Farnham, GU9 7RN |
Summary: | MESSY CHURCH - for toddlers and their mums |
Description: | on second Saturday of the month (except December and August) |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | All Saints Church, Tilford |
Description: |
LICENSING OF TILFORD'S NEW PRIEST Canon Heather M Humphrey will be welcomed to All Saints, Tilford, at her Licensing Service on Wednesday 15th January at 7.30pm, followed by a reception at the Institute.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | . |
Description: |
START OF WEEK OF PRAYERFOR CHRISTIAN UNITY (18th to 25th)Daily Prayer Meetings at 10:30 a.m throughout the week (except Sunday 19th when the United Service will be held at Farnham United Reformed Church in South Street at 6.30pm). See each day's entry for locationThe first prayer meeting will be held today at the St.Joan's Centre, Tilford Road (in the Wright Room). |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church |
Description: |
UNITED SERVICE FOR UNITY WEEK The United Service for CTF’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is today at the United Reformed Church in South Street, Farnham, starting at 6:30 p.m. . The theme of the 2014 Week: “Is Christ Divided?”.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan's Centre, Tilford Rd, Farnham |
Description: |
DAILY PRAYER MEETING Monday prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today at the St.Joan's Centre, Tilford Road (in the Wright Room). All welcome - just come along.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham |
Description: |
DAILY PRAYER MEETING Wednesday prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today at the United Reformed Church, South Street (enter through the “Spire” coffee bar. All welcome - just come along.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan's Centre, Tilford Rd, Farnham |
Description: |
DAILY PRAYER MEETING Thursday prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today at the St.Joan's Centre, Tilford Road (in the Wright Room). All welcome - just come along.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham |
Description: |
DAILY PRAYER MEETING Friday prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today at the United Reformed Church, South Street (enter through the “Spire” coffee bar. All welcome - just come along.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan's Centre, Tilford Rd, Farnham |
Description: |
DAILY PRAYER MEETING Final daily prayer meeting for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Today at the St.Joan's Centre, Tilford Road (in the Wright Room). All welcome - just come along.
Time: | 2:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Andrew's Church |
Summary: | Service of Thanksgiving |
Description: |
A Service of Thanksgiving for the life of the Reverend Desmond Parsons will be held at St.Andrew’s Church, Farnham starting at 2:30p.m on Friday 31st January. The service will be followed by refreshments at Church House, Union Road. Any donations to Churches Together in Farnham please.
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church |
Summary: | MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME — 1:10 p.m |
Description: | Music students from Lord Wandsworth College
Time: | 7:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill, GUILDFORD, Surrey GU2 7UP |
Description: | PREPARING FOR OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM'S VISIT TO GUILDFORD CATHEDRAL - public lecture and panel discussion Exploring the place of Mary across spiritual traditions - this lecture is linked with the forcoming visit of the Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham to the Cathedral from her shrine in Norfolk. Free admission by ticket, obtainable in advance from Guildford Cathedral Box Office. |
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Description: | The Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham is holding an open afternoon for potential volunteers.
Time: | 7:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill, GUILDFORD, Surrey GU2 7UP |
Description: | PUBLIC LECTURE Free admission by ticket (with retiring collection) obtainable from Guildford Cathedral Booking Office (may be booked on line).
Time: | 2:15pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill, GUILDFORD, Surrey GU2 7UP |
Description: | WALSINGHAM DAY For admission, apply for free tickets from the Cathedral Office: 01483 547860.
Time: | 11:00am - 1:00pm |
Location: | Pentecostal Church, Red Lion Lane Farnham |
Description: | Farnham & District Bible Society invite you to support the work of the Bible Society and enjoy pancakes & coffee.
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Upper Church Lane, Farnham |
Description: | Women’'s World Day of Prayer 2014 — on Friday 7th March at 10:30 a.m at St.Andrew’s Church. This year’s service will last approximately one hour and has been devised by the CHRISTIAN WOMEN OF EGYPT. It is entitled “STREAMS IN THE DESERT” ALL who join us will be most warmly welcomed. Refreshments will be served. |
Time: | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Location: | Elstead United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (Elstead) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Monday mornings during Lent. (Also Wednesday evenings at Farnham URC).
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Thomas on The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Emmanuel Bach (violin) Jenny Stern (piano) |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Tuesday afternoon meetings during Lent.
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Evening meetings during Lent on 12th, 20th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April. Possible ‘Resurrecton’ sessions after Easter.
Time: | 8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (URC) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Wednesday evenings during Lent. (Also Monday evenings at Elstead URC).
Time: | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Location: | Elstead United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (Elstead) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Monday mornings during Lent. (Also Wednesday evenings at Farnham URC).
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Thomas on The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Sylvia Harper (oboe, cor anglais & bassoon) Stephen Lacey (piano) |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Tuesday afternoon meetings during Lent.
Time: | 8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (URC) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Wednesday evenings during Lent. (Also Monday evenings at Elstead URC).
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Evening meetings during Lent on 12th, 20th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April. Possible ‘Resurrecton’ sessions after Easter.
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Guildford Cathedral Stag Hill Guildford GU2 7UP |
Description: | The Cathedral Choir presents a Lent concert, 'Hear My Prayer', on Saturday 22 March at 7:30 p.m in aid of the Cathedral Appeal. They will be performing a selection of the music they will be taking on tour to the United States. There is no charge for admission but there will be a retiring collection for the Cathedral Appeal. Apply to Guildford Cathedral online Box Office for free tickets.
Time: | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Location: | Elstead United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (Elstead) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Monday mornings during Lent. (Also Wednesday evenings at Farnham URC).
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Thomas on The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Students from Frensham Heights School |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Tuesday afternoon meetings during Lent.
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Evening meetings during Lent on 12th, 20th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April. Possible ‘Resurrecton’ sessions after Easter.
Time: | 8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (URC) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Wednesday evenings during Lent. (Also Monday evenings at Elstead URC).
Time: | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Location: | Elstead United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (Elstead) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Monday mornings during Lent. (Also Wednesday evenings at Farnham URC).
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Thomas on The Bourne, Frensham Road |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Richard Gun Cuninghame (baritone) Elaine Way (soprano) Alison Blenkinsop (piano) |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Tuesday afternoon meetings during Lent.
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Evening meetings during Lent on 12th, 20th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April. Possible ‘Resurrecton’ sessions after Easter.
Time: | 8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (URC) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Wednesday evenings during Lent. (Also Monday evenings at Elstead URC).
Time: | 10:00am - 11:00am |
Location: | Elstead United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (Elstead) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Monday mornings during Lent. (Also Wednesday evenings at Farnham URC).
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Richard Lane (violin) Jane Spear (piano) Sandra Belcher (piano) |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Tuesday afternoon meetings during Lent.
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St.Peters Wrecclesham (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT GROUP (St.Peter's) |
Description: | “Journeying with Jesus”. Evening meetings during Lent on 12th, 20th, 26th March and 2nd & 9th April. Possible ‘Resurrecton’ sessions after Easter.
Time: | 8:00pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | LENT STUDY (URC) |
Description: | “Getting the Name Right”. Exploring the role of the URC. Wednesday evenings during Lent. (Also Monday evenings at Elstead URC).
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Rd, Farnham |
Summary: | Mass at St Joan of Arc Church |
Description: | Beginning of Holy Week. 6.00 p.m Mass - simple entrance. |
Time: | 10:15am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Description: | Procession ouside Church door - weather permitting. |
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mary's Church, Frensham |
Description: | “The Crucifixion”. Palm Sunday performance of John Stainer’s “The Crucifixion” at St.Mary’s Church, Frensham, sung by St Mary’s Choir and friends. |
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church |
Description: | Simple entrance. |
Time: | 5:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Description: | Service of choral music, readings and hymns on the theme of the Passion at St.Thomas-on-The Bourne. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Thomas on The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | MUSIC FOR LENT |
Description: | Midday Music Recital Nicola Sharkey (soprano) Brian Cotterill (piano & organ) |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Evening Mass |
Time: | 8:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Mass |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Mass of the Lord's Supper. |
Description: | Watching and Night Prayers until 10pm |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End, Farnham, GU9 0LH |
Description: | Easter Service at the Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End. |
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Good Friday - Children's Stations of the Cross |
Time: | 10:45am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Town (CLICK for more) |
Summary: | WALK OF WITNESS |
Description: |
Churches Together in Farnham’s Good Friday Walk of Witness. All Christians are invited to take part. Meet in The Hart at 11:45 p.m for 12:00 noon start.
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End, Farnham, GU9 0LH |
Description: | Service at the Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End. |
Time: | 2:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church |
Summary: | Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church |
Summary: | Holy Saturday Easter Vigil |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End, Farnham, GU9 0LH |
Summary: | EASTER VIGIL |
Description: | Easter Service at the Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End. Easter Vigil: Fire Ceremony and First Mass of Easter at 8:00 p.m.
Time: | 8:15am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End, Farnham, GU9 0LH |
Description: | Easter Service at the Holy Family Church, Alma Lane, Heath End. |
Time: | 8:15am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Easter Mass |
Time: | 10:15am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church |
Summary: | Easter Mass |
Time: | 1:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Gostrey Meadow (CLICK for more) |
Description: | HE IS RISEN!He is not here ... He is risen ... just as He said! Everyone is invited to join members of Farnham Pentecostal Church and other churches to celebrate Easter in words and music.
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church |
Summary: | Easter Mass |
Time: | 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Parish Centre, Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ |
Description: | Finding New Life in the Spirit is 'an introduction to a deeper Christian life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.'Beginning of a seven-week series of talks at 7.45pm on Wednesday evenings at St Joan of Arc Parish Centre. You are warmly invited to this first session: 'God's Love' by Charles Whitehead (Papal Knight of St Gregory) author and internati;onal conference speaker. Then decide whether to enrol for the full course. The £5 registration fee includes free course booklets. Collections will be taken for the speaker at each session. |
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham |
Summary: | Music at Lunchtime - 1.10pm |
Description: | Richard Lane began to play the violin at the age of 5 and has been a keen amateur musician and a popular local figure ever since. We welcome him back for his second appearance at Music at Lunchtime. |
Time: | 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan's Centre, Tilford Road, Farnham |
Description: | Second of seven weekly sessions on Wednesdays at St Joan's Centre and the last chance to enrol for the full course. This week Jenny Baker will speak on the theme of 'Salvation' |
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Description: | Plants galore, cakes, jewellery and gifts Raffle and raffle for a painting by a local artist Entry - £2 to include coffee and biscuits PLEASE COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | A Bible translator's work in Africa |
Description: | Catherine Crawford is home on leave from her work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa. She will talk about her experiences at a meeting on Wednesday 7th May 8pm at St. Thomas. This is an opportunity to see and hear something of what it is like to live and work in a little visited part of Africa. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | Concert at Alton Abbey |
Description: | ORGAN CONCERT by Duncan Bradley OSB Obl.. Following the recital, wine and nibbles will be served by the Friends of Alton Abbey. Tickets £15. To book a place contact Br John OSB - email: guesthouse@altonabbey.org.uk - or tel: 01420 562145. Click on 'Notices' in top bar and then'Friends of Alton Abbey coming events' for more details. |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Baptist Church, The Hart, Farnham GU9 7HA |
Description: | Farnham & District Bible Society Action Group invite you to experience “A Taste of China”. Come and meet our guests from the China Partnership and hear about the impact of the Bible in China today. Refreshments of Chinese nibbles will be served after the meeting. |
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Farnham |
Summary: | Bach to Baby recital |
Description: | Bach to Baby 10.00am for coffee and concert at 10.30am.Another in a series of concerts at St Andrews to which you can bring your babies. Tickets £10, children free. You don’t have to have a baby to attend!This month join brilliant Latvian flautist Renate Sokolovska for an enchanting programme of music introducing your little ones to the world of the flute.She will perform pieces by Mozart, including excerpts from his great opera The Magic Flute, the Carmen Fantasy by Bizet as well as the beguiling Syrinx by Claude Debussy. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Farnham Golf Club |
Summary: | Farnham ASSIST Golf Day |
Description: | Farnham ASSIST Annual Charity Golf DayMonday 2nd June at Farnham Golf Club a shotgun start coffee and bacon roll; 2 course lunch Teams of 4 For more information and booking forms email kirsty.bruton@farnham-assist.org.uk or 01252 717710 |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Winchester University |
Summary: | South East Faiths Forum Annual Conference |
Description: | See link on NOTICES page for details. Contact SEEFF Chair Bede Gerrard on seeffchair@gmail.com or visit website se-faithforum.net for an application form. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | Open Garden and Plant Sale at Alton Abbey |
Description: | Friends of Alton Abbey are holding an OPEN GARDEN AND PLANT SALE event at the Abbey on Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th June from 12 noon with an organ recital at 3pm. Entrance £3 and Tea £3. Click on 'Notices' (in top bar) and then 'Friends of Alton Abbey coming events' for more details. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | Open Garden and Plant Sale at Alton Abbey |
Description: | Friends of Alton Abbey are holding an OPEN GARDEN AND PLANT SALE event at the Abbey on Saturday and Sunday 7th and 8th June from 12 noon with an organ recital at 3pm. Entrance £3 and Tea £3. Click on 'Notices' (in top bar) and then 'Friends of Alton Abbey coming events' for more details. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | 'AS WE ARE?' Talk with Readings |
Description: | A TALK ABOUT THE WRITER E. F. BENSON presented by Susan Morris and Alfred Bradley. Tickets £15 for talk, followed by wine and finger food in the Cloister Garden. Write to the Abbey to book - 'Tickets for 20th June'. Click on 'Notices' (in top bar) and then 'Friends of Alton Abbey coming events' for more details. |
Time: | 9:00am - 3:00pm |
Location: | United Reformed Church, South Street, Farnham |
Summary: | Midsummer Fair at United Reformed Church |
Description: |
Midsummer Fun at Fair.In addition to the usual stalls, this event promises 'a little bit of midsummer fun and mabe some madness'. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Farnham |
Summary: | Songs at Summer Solstice |
Description: | A 'Make Your Mark' event in aid of Guildford Cathedral Appeal. Performed by Vocal Point and Voices Together Community Choir. Tickets on the door £10; concessiona £8 and family of four £20. For enquiries and tickets phone 01252 712719. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | North Hants Golf Club, Fleet |
Summary: | Phyllis Tuckwell Golf Day |
Description: | Are You A Golfer - IT'S TEE TIME!For the first time, this year's Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice Golf Day will be held at North Hants Golf Club, Fleet, where 2013 US Open winner Justin Rose is a member. Go to Noticeboard for full details. |
Time: | 2:00pm - 4:00pm |
Location: | The Vineyard Centre, Union Rd, Farnham |
Summary: | Farnham ASSIST Old Time Music Hall |
Description: | Enjoy this traditional afternoon of fun and entertainment. Refreshments provided. Cake Stall and raffle. Tickets £5 available from Farnham ASSIST, Borelli Walk. Tel. 717710 |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc, Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ |
Summary: | Healing Service |
Description: | HEALING SERVICE at 8pm at St.Joan of Arc Catholic Church.Alastair Emblem writes: Dear Friends This Thursday 3rd July at 8pm there will be a service of healing in St Joan's Church led by Fr Niven Richardson. (This replaces the Thursday evening prayer meeting) Everyone is very welcome to come and pray for healing of any physical, mental and spiritual problems - your own or other people's. Even if you have never been to something like this before, do consider coming along and bring others - it is not necessary to be Catholic or Christian to attend.
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Start: Farnham Railway Station Car Park GU9 8AD |
Summary: | Walk for the Bible Society |
Description: | JOIN BIBLE SOCIETY "BIG MISSION" WALKFarnham and District Bible Society Action Group invite you to participate in "BIG MISSION" Walk - departing from Farnham Station Car Park GU9 8AD at 10am along the Pilgrim's Way to Guildford - 6 mile and 12 mile options. For more details, registration and sponsorship forms contact Ruth Hughes tel 01252 614150; email ruthhughes@btopenworld.com. Go to Home Page for posters/flyers of this event.
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Tilford Village Green |
Description: |
Tilford Annual Village Fete with Church raffle - to be opened at 1:00 p.m by Canon Heather Humphrey. Sporting heroes theme for 2014. Includes tug-of-war, dog show, duck race, and - new for this year - a scarecrow competition. Raffle in aid of All Saints Church. In addition, Tilford Gardening Club Summer Show at Tilford Institute will be open to the public from 2:00 p.m with presentation of trophies at 3:45 p.m.
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Summary: | 'Heavenly Harmonies' |
Description: | 'Heavenly Harmonies - Renaissance to Jazz' is the title of Vox Chamber Choir's concert at St Andrew's Church, Farnham, on Saturday 12th July. |
Time: | 8:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Tilford Institute |
Summary: | Walk for the Wards |
Description: | Fundraising walk for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. Starting from Tilford Institute at 9.30am. 10 or 5 mile routes. Finish with a Cream Tea. Go to Notices section for more details. |
Time: | 12:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Bourne Green, Lower Bourne |
Summary: | THE BOURNE SHOW |
Description: |
With climbing Wall, dog show, pony rides, etc. Barn Dance in the evening.
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Farnham |
Summary: | OUT OF AFRICA |
Description: |
Holybourne Singers' Concert at St.Andrew's Church, Farnham. The Choir will be joined by Ngoma Drum & Dance, the Covenant Youth Choir from Alton, children from St Andrew's School, Farnham and other professional musicians in a varied programme of African influenced music. Tickets are available from Waterstones in Farnham or Alton or from hsboxoffice@gmail.com
Time: | 5:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham |
Summary: | Vigil at St Thomas' for World War One Centenary |
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Music at Lunchtime - starting time: 1.10pm |
Description: | Music at Lunchtime at Farnham United Reformed Church.Fumi Otsuki (violin) with Ruth Young (piano) |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale |
Summary: | World War 1 centenary service |
Description: | Commemorating World War 1 - a service for people of all ages to remember the war that happened 100 years ago and pray for peace |
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Farnham |
Description: | Parish Eucharist at St.Andrew’s to commemorate the commencement of the First World War. The service will be attended by representatives of the Farnham branch of the Royal British Legion and their new Standard will be blessed. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | The Rectory 25 Upper Hale Road, Farnham, GU9 0NX |
Description: | All the Fun of the Fete this Saturday at the Parish of Badshot Lea and Hale Rectory at 25 Upper Hale Road, Farnham GU9 0NX. Bouncy slide - games - face painting - barbecue - refreshments. Stalls: plants - cakes - bric-a-brac - accessories. Bottle tombola - toiletries - children’s toys & books. Grand Draw: £200 & £100 plus many other prizes. Come for a great community event and help your local church. |
Time: | 1:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham, GU9 8HA |
Description: | Gardening Problem? ... Ask the Experts! Gardeners’ Questions - featuring John Negus and Charles Wisden - takes place this afternoon at St.Thomas-on-The Bourne from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. If you want to identify a plant, bring along an example. Worried about a diseased plant? Produce a sample. Questions can be submitted in advance. Cream teas, grand draw, plant sales, free seeds, miniature garden competition. Tickets £5.00 from the Parish Office (01252 715505). Funds raised in aid of The Bourne Parish, where youth work is central to our Ministry. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church (CLICK FOR DETAILS) |
Description: | Farnham Parish Fayre. A date for your diary — this year’s Parish Fayre will take place on 13th September from 12:00 noon until 3:30 p.m. |
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St John's Church, Hale Road, Hale, Farnham, GU9 9RP |
Description: | The centenary of the start of World War One is commemorated with a special service of poetry, music, hymns and prayers at St John’s, Hale, starting at 6:00 p.m. An ensemble will be played by Farnham Brass Band; war poetry will be read by the Farnham Town Crier. The event will be attended by the Mayor of Farnham. Admission free; collection in aid of the Army Benevolent Fund. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Hop Blossom Pub, Long Garden Walk, Farnham, GU9 7HX |
Description: | A talk by Kauser Akhtar (Surrey Faith Links). Kauser works as Surrey Faith Links Adviser for the Church of England Diocese of Guildford (in partnership with Surrey County Council). She is a governor at Fullbrook Secondary School. She said: “I am passionate about creating community cohesion between people of different faiths and no faith.” Hosted by Farnham Humanists. Admission free. All welcome. Enquiries: 01483 233324 www.farnham.humanist.org.uk |
Time: | 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Thomas-on-The Bourne, Frensham Road, Farnham, GU9 8HA |
Summary: | A Woman Much Maligned |
Description: | "MARY MAGDALENE: A woman much maligned"Illustrated lecture by the Rt Revd Christopher Herbert at Centenary Rooms, St Thomas-on-The Bourne Church - 7.45 for 8pm. Tickets £10 available from The Bourne Parish Office (01252 715505). |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Harvest Celebrations - afternoon event |
Description: | HARVEST FESTIVAL tea with ECO games for all ages from 4.30pm at Farnham United Reformed Church - followed by SONGS OF PRAISE at 6.30pm.'Everyone , including Children will be very welcome - it should be a great Celebration and to God be the Glory.'
Time: | 8:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Summary: | Mindfulness - free taster session |
Description: | Led by Suzette Jones - Diocesan Health and Wellbeing Advisor.
Time: | 9:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Summary: | Are you being heard? |
Description: | This event is for those who struggle to hear and for those who would like to be Hearing Champions. Many people can't hear because they need help with the basic maintenance of hearing aids - you could help! Come and meet Tracey Wade, the Diocesan Deaf and Inclusion Coordinator to find out more - bring your hearing aid if you have one. |
Time: | 9:15am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Alton Abbey |
Summary: | Retreat Day at Alton Abbey |
Description: | "The Beauty of Holiness and the Holiness of Beauty" - Iconography. A Retreat Day led by Dom Anselm OSB. £25.Mass 9am, meet in reception 10.15am, finish 4pm.Iconographer Dom Anselm leads a study and meditation day devoted tothe visual arts' interaction with faith and worship. There will be two illustrated talks and the opportunity for meditation and discussion. Contact the Guestmaster Br John OSB for more details: |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | Evening Iconography Event: Alton Abbey |
Description: | "The Beauty of Holiness and the Holiness of Beauty"A talk by Iconographer Dom Anselm - £15" - followed by wine and nibbles in the Cloister Garden by the Friends of Alton Abbey. This is a stand alone evening, or can be added to the Retreat Day above for a total of £35. Contact Guestmaster Br John OSB for more details: |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Summary: | The Real Me |
Description: | A talk on Mental Health for anyone interested in knowing more: What keeps us well? What are the major mental health problems of our time? Why we are likely to exclude those we fear? |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton GU34 4AP |
Summary: | 'Alice' Weekend Retreat at Alton Abbey from Oct 3rd to 5th |
Description: | "ENEMIES OF ALICE"Dom Anselm OSB leads a Retreat in company with Lewis Carroll's dreamchild as she confronts folly, irrationality and cruelty. £85. Bring "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass" if you can. Contact Guestmaster Br John OSB for more details:
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ |
Summary: | Service of Healing |
Description: |
HEALING SERVICE“ 8:00 p.m at St.Joan of Arc Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome.For more information, please phone Alastair Emblem on 01252 714809.
Time: | 12:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Music at Lunchtime starting time: 1.10pm |
Description: | MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME MONTHLY RECITALFumi Otsuki violin and Neus Guiu Ritort piano. Farnham United Reformed Church MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME series. Starting at 1.10pm on the first Tuesday of the month. Admission free - collection taken for church music and other funds. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Description: | Community Orchard at St.Mark’s? Public Meeting Permission and funding have been granted to create a Community Orchard on the land between Tesco and St Mark’s Church, Upper Hale. There will be a public meeting to discuss the plan at St.Mark’s, Alma Lane, on 7th October at 7:30 p.m. Everyone in the community is invited to come. |
Time: | 2:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Mark's Church Upper Hale |
Description: | Fun, games and creativity for the whole family to enjoy - from 3:30 p.m. |
Time: | 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Pentecostal Church, Red Lion Lane, Farnham, GU9 7QN |
Description: | Annual General Meeting of CTFThe 2014 AGM of Churches Together in Farnham will be held at Farnham Pentecostal Church, Red Lion Lane, at 7.45pm on Tuesday, 14th October. Refreshments will be served from 7.15pm. Click on location (below) of follow link from Home Page to find full details and agenda.
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Churches Together in Farnham |
Summary: | Friends of Alton Abbey 12th Annual Abbey Lecture |
Description: | "The Place of Music in Worship"The 'Friends' 12th Annual Abbey Lecture will be given by Dom Timothy Bavin OSB. £25 for Lecture, followed by Supper with wine in the Refectory. Tickets available from Friends of Alton Abbey, Alton Abbey, Abbey Road, Beech, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4AP. Cheques should be made payable to "Friends of Alton Abbey". Please include telephone number or email address. |
Time: | 2:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Methodist Church, South Street |
Summary: | Christian Aid Action Tea |
Description: | All are invited to Christian Aid's 'Hunger for Justice' Action Tea at Farnham Methodist Church on Saturday 18th October from 3.45pm. Go to Christian Aid Page for full details. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Aldridge Theatre, Frensham Heights School |
Description: | Concert by bass baritone Jonathan Veira in aid of “Free Bible Images” (Farnham-based charity). More details including ticket prices and bookings, please click the link. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St John's Church, Hale Road, Hale, Farnham, GU9 9RP |
Description: | This Saturday evening at St.John’s at 7:30 p.m, when the names of those we would like to remember will be read out during a simple service with lighted candles. Further services on Sunday 2nd November at St.Mark’s Upper Hale and St.George’s Badshot Lea. For information contact Lesley on 01252 820537 or revdlesley@gmail.com |
Time: | 9:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St John's Church, Hale Road, Hale, Farnham, GU9 9RP |
Summary: | All Saints at St John's |
Description: | All Saints' CelebrationDo you enjoy incense? Worship with us at St John's Church, Hale, on Sunday 2nd November at 9.30am, celebrating the Feast of All Saints |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Description: | This Sunday morning at St.Mark’s at 11:00 a.m, when the names of those we would like to remember will be read out during a simple service with lighted candles. Further services this afternoon at St.George’s Badshot Lea. For information contact Lesley on 01252 820537 or revdlesley@gmail.com |
Time: | 4:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St George's Church, Badshot Lea |
Description: | This Sunday afternoon at St.George’s Badshot Lea at 4:00 p.m, when the names of those we would like to remember will be read out during a simple service with lighted candles. For information contact Lesley on 01252 820537 or revdlesley@gmail.com |
Time: | 9:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Mark's Church, Alma Lane, Upper Hale, GU9 0LT |
Summary: | Mindfulness - monthly free sessions |
Description: | MINDFULNESS Sessions at St Mark's Church Begin The series of free sessions on the first Monday of the month begins today. These take place from 9.30am until 10.20am and are led by Suzette Jones - Diocesan Health and Wellbeing Advisor. This follows the success of the recent taster session. |
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Music at Lunchtime starting time: 1.10pm |
Description: | United Reformed Church MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME Jayne Sylvester mezzo soprano, Richard Gun-Cunninghame baritone and Alison Blenkinsop piano. Admission free. Collection for church music and other funds. |
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | South Farnham School, Menin Way (CLICK for more). |
Description: | Debate organised by Farnham Humanists. Free admission and charity collection. |
Time: | 8:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Joan of Arc Church, Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ |
Summary: | 'LIFE IN THE SPIRIT' guest speaker |
Description: | Charles Whitehead will be the guest speaker at tonight’s meeting of the “LIFE IN THE SPIRIT” prayer group, to be held at 8:00 p.m in St.Joan of Arc Catholic Church. Everyone is welcome. Alastair Emblem writes: Charles worked closely with Pope John Paul II as President of the International Catholic Renewal Office in Rome, and also got to know Pope Francis before his election. He is an international Conference speaker and author who is passionate about the revitalisation of the Catholic Church through the power of the Holy S |
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Mark's Church, Upper Hale (CLICK for more) |
Description: | Members of the community invited to bring spades and help dig holes for fruit trees in the new orchard next to St.Mark’s Church Upper Hale. |
Time: | 9:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St John's, War Memorial, and Hale Methodist Church |
Summary: | Remembrance Sunday at Hale |
Description: | Remembrance Services in Hale A Service of Remembrance will take place at 9:30am at St John's followed by 10:45am at the War Memorial and then at 11:15am a Joint Service at Hale Methodist Church (no service at St Mark's). |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St George's Church, Badshot Lea |
Summary: | Remembrance Sunday in Badshot Lea |
Description: | Badshot Lea Remembrance In Badshot Lea the 10am Shortened Service at St George's will be followed by 10:50am at the War Memorial. |
Time: | 4:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Weybourne War Memorial |
Summary: | Remembrance Sunday in Weybourne |
Description: |
Weybourne Remembrance In Weybourne there will be a Service of Remembrance at 4pm at the War Memorial followed by refreshments in the Village Hall. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St George's Church, Badshot Lea |
Description: | A Musical Miscellany A fund-raising concert will take place at St.George’s, Badshot Lea, at 7:30 p.m on Friday 14th November. It will include some popular organ pieces, a 'mini' choir assembled from some parish and community choir members and a few from the 'Sedici' choir, flutes, recorders, duets and the family band. The concert will finish with a “Last Night of the Proms” theme for all to join in — then drinks and nibbles in the church hall — all for £5.00 per person in aid of St.George’s Fabric Fund. |
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Farnham |
Description: | BACH TO BABY CONCERT – St Andrew's Church, Farnham – 10.30am with internationally renowned cellist Gabriella Swallow – the world of the cello from classic to jazz. Coffee served in church at 10am and nursery rhymes to be sung at the end of the concert with Gabriella's cello. Adult tickets £10 at the door, children free. |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Christmas Fair |
Time: | 2:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham Baptist Church |
Description: | Farnham ASSIST’s Carol Service will be held at Farnham Baptist Church on Monday 1st December at 2:30 p.m. |
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Farnham United Reformed Church, South Street. |
Summary: | Music at Lunchtime starting time: 1.10pm |
Description: | MUSIC AT LUNCHTIME - piano recital by EmilieCapulet |
Time: | 9:45am - 12:30pm |
Location: | St.James' Church Centre (click for MORE ...) |
Description: | Saturday morning at St.James' Centre. Clothes, gifts,carol singing & refreshments. |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:30pm |
Location: | St.Thomas-on-The-Bourne (CLICK for more) |
Description: | Christmas Market in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. Selling jewellery and gifts, cakes, books, toilettries and much more. £2.00 entry to include coffee and biscuits — children free. |
Time: | 1:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Mark's Church, Upper Hale |
Description: | Members of the community invited to bring spades and help plant fruit trees in the new orchard next to St.Mark’s Church Upper Hale. |
Time: | 3:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | All Saints Church, Tilford |
Summary: | Carols by Candlelight |
Description: | CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT AT ALL SAINTS TILFORDAll Saints Church, Tilford – 3pm and 6.30pm – Tilford Bach Society Carols by Candlelight. Carols and readings – with newly formed Tilford Bach Choir and medieval Christmas music by The Artisans. – Mulled wine will be served. Organ prelude played by Robert Mingay-Smith, starting 30 minutes before main concerts. Free event with collection for local charities. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | All Saints Church, Tilford |
Summary: | Carols by Candlelight |
Description: | Bach Society Carols by Candlelight - see previous entry |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St.Andrews (click for MORE) |
Description: | The Waverley Singers and the Edgeborough Children's Choir at St.Andrew's Church. Tickets £12.00 (under-16s & students £5.00). |
Time: | 2:00pm - 5:00pm |
Location: | St.Georges Badshot Lea (click for MORE) |
Description: | Cake stall, tombola, craft stalls inside the church. |
Time: | 4:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Wintershall Estate (CLICK for details) |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Wintershall Estate |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 4:45pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Wintershall Estate (CLICK for details) |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Wintershall Estate |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 2:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Wintershall Estate (CLICK for details) |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 5:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Wintershall Estate |
Description: | WINTERSHALL NATIVITY PLAY Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 2:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Wintershall Estate (CLICK for details) |
Description: | Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
Time: | 5:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Wintershall Estate |
Description: | WINTERSHALL NATIVITY PLAY Traditional Nativity Play with live animals and wonderful costumes. Afternoon and Evening performances from Thursday 18th until Sunday 21st December. At Wintershall Estate, Bramley GU5 0LR Full details on Notice Board. |
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