Serving the churches of Shirley, Croydon

Individual churches in Shirley may be members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI), and the national ecumenical organisation Churches together in England (CTE), through their denomination or organisation.

CTBI logo

CTE logo  









Welcome to Churches Together in Shirley near Croydon. Father of light you reveal to those of faith your Word through Jesus Christ and those who came to find Jesus.


Listening to children read at Orchard Way primary. Contact via email or on 020 8777 6111 if you can listen to the children.
Association of InterChurch Families (AIF) 

The contacts for AIF are Andy and Liz Bebington on  

Advent Groups

Croydon Websites   



The Shirley Neighbourhood care AGM is in the Tamberlin room St John's 8pm 14th October. Wine and snacks after the meeting.

The Shirley Methodist church. Bread making 3rd Tuesday in the month 9:30am. Film night 7th Dec 7:15pm.


The Shrublands Community Trust Foodbank in the Advice Centre at 7 Broom Road, Shirley is open on Fridays from 1.00-3.00PM.

Donations of "in date" cans of food are welcome. A link to the PDF for list of food needed each week is Here .


Shirley Neighbourhood Care

SNC provides a much needed service to the elderly in the local community.  The office is based at St. George's Church, Elstan Way and is open from 10:00am to 12:30pm Mondays to Fridays. SNC runs lunch club on Mondays and Thursdays at West Wickham and Shirley Baptist church, Wickham Road,  where a delicious 3 course meal is served. Assistance is provided with transport to and from medical appointments.  SNC runs a fortnightly shopping bus to Sainsburys and Tescos. Further details on SNC services can be obtained from the office on 0208 662 9599 or via e-mail at



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