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April 10 - April 16

Oxted and District Events Calendar

Sunday, April 10
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: St Peter's Tandridge
Summary: Evensong and final service for CTOD Lent groups

A traditional Anglican Sung Evensong. This service is also being adapted as the final service for those who have participated in the CTOD Lent course. Conclusions from the groups and ideas about the future will be discussed in the slot reserved for the sermon.  

Friday, April 15
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location: Oxted and District
Summary: Walk of Witness

Meeting at the Council Offices, we walk remembering the events of Good Friday and stopping at various places to pray, sing and read the bible. The walk concludes at the War Memorial in Master Park.