Data Privacy Statement
Churches Together in Oxted and District (CTOD) holds personal data (i.e. address, telephone number and email address) about its officers, Council and Committee members and uses this to communicate events, papers and other communications relating to the work of CTOD and Churches Together generally. It will not divulge these details to bodies outside CTOD without the express permission of the people concerned. CTOD also holds personal data about ministers, church officers, members of constituent churches and others, in relation to activities carried out in its constituent churches and in groups by CTOD, its churches and other groups recognised, sponsored, affiliated or promoted by CTOD, its Council and Executive Committee. Again, these will only be used for the purposes of CTOD and the groups aforementioned except where those involved have specifically consented.
Any person whose details appear on CTOD records may apply to examine the records held about them by applying to the Chair of Churches Together in Oxted and District, to the officer in charge of communications as authorised by the Chair or to such other person as the Executive Committee of CTOD may authorise for this purpose. Such a person may have their records deleted or amended if they are inaccurate.
CTOD will ensure that records are safely protected and will delete them when no longer needed.