We, the Churches of Oxted and District 
recognise that Christ wills the unity of his Church;
acknowledge the sincerity of each tradition of faith; 
rejoice in our common Christian faith and heritage;
give thanks to the Holy Spirit for leading us into closer friendship 
and unity of purpose.

So we covenant with each other to
continue our pilgrimage towards a visible unity, praying
    that God will lead us to the form that it will eventually take;
share our Christian life together as fully as we can, 
in love and service to God and to God’s world. 

To do this we will:
worship, pray and study together so that we may understand, 
know and value each other ;
wherever possible, carry out our mission to our local 
community and the wider world as Churches Together ;
commit ourselves, as individual churches and together, 
to find ways to promote unity;
every year, review our progress towards these objectives.

We commend each other to the love of God, Father, Son and Holy 
Spirit, and pray for God’s wisdom and strength to fulfil this Covenant.