Some past events:
Saturday 21 January at 9am - Prayer breakfast for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at St Peter le Poer church.
18-25 January - Week of prayer for Christian Unity
Saturday 14 May, 7pm for 7.30 - Quiz night for Christian Aid at St Peter-le-Poer - flyer: 2016 CA quiz night
15-21 May - Christian Aid Week
Saturday 2 July, 9am - Prayer breakfast at MH Baptist Church.
Sundays in July and August - Open gardens with live music at MH Methodist Church - see link for details.
** Tuesday 10 November - AGM
Sundays in July and August, Open Gardens with live music at MH Methodist Church.
8, 15 and 22 June, 7.30 - 9pm at MH Methodist Church, Understanding the
Early Years - 3 Evening Workshops - see Early years flyer 2015
13 June, 7.30pm at St Peter-le-Poer, Organ and Piano Recital in aid of Iraqi Christians in Need.
10-16 May - Christian Aid Week
Saturday 25 April at 8pm. Fundraising evening for trip with Go MAD and Tearfund. Cocktails and mocktails made by WAVE with finger buffet, silent auction and raffle.
Sunday 12 April, 2.30pm at the Baptist Church - Hustings for the General Election
** Saturday 28 March, 9am at the URC - Prayer breakfast.
Friday 6 February at St James's church - Kings Chamber Orchestra - Kids Classic Concert at 4.30pm and Evening Concert at 7.30pm.
Sunday 4 January, 6pm at Muswell Hill Methodist Church -Taize Worship - poster.
18-25 January - Week of prayer for Christian Unity
** Saturday 24 January, 9am at the Methodist church - Breakfast and service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Poster: Prayer breakfast WPCU 2015.poster
Saturday 6 December at 9.30am. Reflective Practice School ‘Exploring how Government and the voluntary sector work effectively together'. Speaker: Catherine West, Labour Party candidate.
Wednesday, December 10 at 7.30pm, St James Church will be
holding a special Christmas Creative Compline. Come and start the Advent season with the Gospel Band and storyteller.
Saturday 13 December, 5pm at MH Methodist Church - Live Nativity - an active presentation of the nativity. More info to follow.
Sunday, December 14 at 4.30pm & 7pm and Monday, December 15 at 8pm at St James Church. St James Community Choir will be
presenting this season's Carol Services.
**Tuesday 25 November, 7.30pm, Our Lady of Muswell parish hall. Pat Gaffney, General Secretary of Pax Christi, will speak on "Working for peace and justice for Israel & Palestine: challenges and opportunities." The talk will be followed by questions and discussion. A retiring collection will be taken for Pax Christi. Please use this flyer to publicise the meeting to all who are interested: Pax Christi - 25 Nov 14
Thursday 27 November, 6pm at St James' Church - Noah's Ark Children's Hospice is delighted to invite you to a magical evening of festive music. Enjoy performances from local schools and community choirs - including singers from the Crouch End Festival Chorus - under the musical leadership of David Temple and Amber Salladin. Tickets can be purchased here.
Tuesday 11 November, 10.30am Service and 7.30pm concert for Remembrance Day at St James's church.
** Monday 3 November, 7.45 for 8pm at URC - Forum AGM.
Sunday 5 October, 6.30pm at St Peter-le-Poer church - inaugural concert of the N10 Community Choir as part of the church's harvest festival celebrations.
** Saturday 11 October at 9am at St James's church. Prayer breakfast(topics: All People All Places, the Soup Kitchen and the Winter Night Shelter).
Saturday 18 October, 7pm, MH Methodist Church - Wildfire performed by the Life and Mission Choir. Musical by Roger Jones telling the story of the book of Acts from Pentecost to the conversion of Paul, including the stoning of Stephen. Uplifting, exciting and moving.
Tuesday 30 September, 7.30pm at St Andrew's church - The Galitzin Ensemble - Mozart Horn Quintet and Schubert string quintet.
Monday 29 September at the Baptist church - Forum meeting for clergy and reps, 7.45 for 8pm.
Saturday 20 September, 3-6pm and the Methodist church - Open House. Discover the fascinating history of this lovely mid-Victorian estate with trails, talks and displays throughout the afternoon.
Sundays in July and August, 2-5pm - Gardens open at MH Methodist Church.
Saturday 6 September - Reflective Practice School, 9.30 - 10.30am at MH Baptist church. Lynne Featherstone MP will attend to discuss "what is poverty".
Monday 4 August, 7.30pm at St James's - World War One Remembered. Oonagh Gay will talk about the impact of WW1 on Haringey's community.
** Monday 14 July, 7.45 for 8pm. Meeting of clergy and MHCF reps. Small Hall, Tetherdown Hall (URC). 14 July 2014 - Agenda
Saturday 5 July, 3pm at the Baptist church - Induction service for Rev John Roberts
Saturday 5 July, 9.30am at the Baptist church - Reflective Practice School.
** Saturday 14 June at 9am - Prayer breakfast at the Methodist church, Pages Lane.
Saturday 14 June 9.15am - 6.15pm. Inter-faith pilgrimage with stops for prayer and addresses at faith centres in MH and Crouch End. Starts at OLM.
11-17 May - Christian Aid week. (Young Runners from the Baptist Church got off to a good start with a run round Alexandra Palace.)
** Saturday 17 May, 7.30pm - Quiz Night 2014 for Christian Aid at the Birchwood Centre, 170 Fortis Green Road. Bring a team or come and join one! Please advertise the flyer: Quiz Night 2014
Saturday 3 May, 10 am to noon. - Coffee morning at URC for Christian Aid.
** Monday 28 April, 7.45 for 8pm at MH Methodist Church. Meeting of clergy and reps.
Special services for Easter 2014 held in the Muswell Hill churches.
Lent courses and services. At our AGM we agreed to invite each other to Lent courses and sevices run in our various churches. See Lent courses and services for details.
Wednesday 2 April, 8pm at MH Baptist Church. "Christ in the Passover" presentation by Jews for Jesus.
** Saturday 22 March, 9am, St Peter-le-Poer. Prayer breakfast.
Saturday 22 March 9.30am-noon at MH Baptist Church. Transform & Restore Women's Event.
Friday 7 March, 10.30am at St James's. Women's World Day of Prayer service (also at 2pm, St. Michael's Church, Highgate).
** Monday 10 February, 7.45 for 8pm, Baptist Church. Meeting of clergy and reps. Open to all.
Saturday 1 February, 10am - noon at URC. Coffee Morning in aid of "Poverty and Homeless" action week.
** Saturday 25 January 9am at URC - Prayer breakfast for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. For daily notes and service resources see the panel on the right, and .
Saturday 7 December. Carol concert by the Voxcetera choir at MH Baptist Church.
Saturday 30 November at Tetherdown Hall, 10am-4pm. Craft Fair in aid of North London Hospice.
6, 13, 20 and 27 November at 7.30pm. Sharing Jesus training course at MH Baptist Church. Link for registration and national programme:
Saturday 23 November. Coffee morning at St Peter-le-Poer.
**Tuesday 12 November, 7.45 for 8pm. MHCF AGM at St Andrew's. Open to all. Followed by an illustrated talk Church and Community - growing together in Muswell Hill. Links: AGM agenda, AGM flyer 2013
Saturday 12 October, Women's World Day of Prayer coffee morning - St James's Centre, 10.30am to noon.
Friday 18 October, St James - An evening with Stuart Townend.
4-5 October - "When will justice prosper?" - Peace and Justice conference at St James's. Justice conference report here.
Saturday 5 October - Quiz Night at St Andrew's.
5&6 October - "Wildfire" - vibrant musical presentation of Acts from Pentecost to the conversion of Paul. Life and Mission Choir, including singers from MH churches. Saturday 5 October at Potters Bar Baptist Church, Sunday 6 October at The Hyde URC, Colindale.
** Saturday 28 September, 9am - Prayer breakfast featuring missions to other countries. MH Baptist Church (lower hall).
Saturday 21 September, 3-6pm - Open House at MH Methodist Church, featuring the history of the church and the Victorian villa in grounds.
** Tuesday 17 September, 7.45 for 8pm - Clergy and Reps' meeting, St Peter-le-Poer church.
July and August - Methodist Church gardens open Sundays 2pm to 5pm.
** Wednesday 17 July, 7.30pm - Reps' meeting at MH Methodist Church. Open to all.
** Wednesday 17 July, 8pm at MH Methodist Church - Tearfund in Ethiopia - Muswell Hillies report on a recent inspiring visit to self-help groups.
Sunday 30 June, 3-5pm - Tea and Play Reading at MH URC.
Saturday 22 June, 7.30pm - Pathway Quiz Night at MH Baptist Church.
Wednesday 19 June, 7pm - Licensing of Fr Matthew Duckett at St Peter-le-Poer
** Saturday 15 June, 9am - Prayer breakfast at MH Methodist Church, highlighting the work of the Child Contact Centre, Street Pastors and Saints on the Street
Christian Aid Week, 12-18 May - email to get involved.
Monday 13 May - Curry evening in aid of Christian Aid - Methodist Church, 6.30-7.30pm.
Saturday 4 May - Quiz Night 2013 in aid of Christian Aid at the St James's Centre - 7pm for 7.30 start. Bring a team of 8 or come and join a team.
Saturday 4 May, 10am to noon - Coffee, plants, cakes, bric-a-brac in aid of Christian Aid - URC Tetherdown Hall
Tuesday 16 April - Reps' meeting, 8pm at the Quaker Meeting House, Church Crescent. Open to all.
Sunday 14 April, 6.30pm - Concert by Jules Riding, New Zealand's most prolific and accomplished Christian singer/songwriter, at the Baptist Church
20-24 March at St James's Church - "Pilgrim's Progress" innovative theatre production, 5pm and 8pm. Tickets from
13 March, 8pm - North London Brass concert at MH Methodist Church - retiring collection for Noah's Ark children's hospice.
Saturday 9 March - Prayer breakfast - St James's - 9am, featuring Christian Aid Week and Pathway - Christian education in North London junior schools.
Friday 1 March - Women's World Day of Prayer services at URC Muswell Hill and All Saints Church, Highgate.Wednesday
Saturday 2 February - Muswell Hill Sustainability Group - 21st Century Homes - at the Methodist Church
Friday 25 January - Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Baptist church - 8pm
Thursday 29 November - AGM - 7.45 for 8pm - URC
Saturday 29 September - Prayer breakfast at Methodist Church - 9am
Saturday 22 September - Heritage weekend and open house at North Bank (Methodist Church)
Saturday 22 September CAST Freedom Festival
Sunday 2 September, 6.30pm - Methodist Church - Welcome service for new minister, Revd Mike Long.
Sunday 29 July, 3pm - WAVE Club Community Cafe
21 July - Prayer breakfast at St Peter-le-Poer Church
17 July - MHCF Rep's meeting at Methodist Church - 7.45 for 8pm - open to all.
30 June - Methodist Church garden party