2012Burgess Hill Events Calendar |

Time: | 6:00pm - 7:30pm |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Women's World Day of Prayer: pre-event |
Description: | Following last year's successful one, there will be a Malaysian Evening, apre-event at Burgess Hill Methodist Church at 7 pm |
Time: | 7:00pm - 9:30pm |
Location: | The Triangle Burgess Hill |
Summary: | ROC: Redeeming Our Commnities |
Description: | Launch event at the Triangle. 7 for 7.30 pm |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St John the Evagelist Pastoral Centre, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Handing on the Torch: York Course 2012 at St John the Evangelist - Pastoral Centre 7.30 pm on Fridays in Lent FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fr Kevin O'Brien 01444 232582 frkevinobrien@me.com Booklets £3.35 per person |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St Anne's Convent, Park Rd. Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Lenten Reflections |
Description: | A reflection on the Sunday Readings using the DABCEC Lent Course |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Pauline Crispin will be leading this year's York Course: "Handing on the Torch- Sacred words for a secular world", starting Monday 27 March at 7.30. Participants will need to book:01444235033, as there is a course booklet costing £3.25. (CD "Speakers" are Dr David Hope, Clifford Longley, Rachel Lampard, Dr John Sentamu and Bishop Graham Cray) |
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Burgess Hill methodist Church |
Summary: | Women's World Day of Prayer |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St John the Evagelist Pastoral Centre, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Handing on the Torch: York Course 2012 at St John the Evangelist - Pastoral Centre 7.30 pm on Fridays in Lent FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fr Kevin O'Brien 01444 232582 frkevinobrien@me.com Booklets £3.35 per person |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St Anne's Convent, Park Rd. Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Lenten Reflections |
Description: | A reflection on the Sunday Readings using the DABCEC Lent Course |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Pauline Crispin will be leading this year's York Course: "Handing on the Torch- Sacred words for a secular world", starting Monday 27 March at 7.30. Participants will need to book:01444235033, as there is a course booklet costing £3.25. (CD "Speakers" are Dr David Hope, Clifford Longley, Rachel Lampard, Dr John Sentamu and Bishop Graham Cray) |
Time: | 7:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Redeeming Our Communities |
Description: | ROC follow up evening to look at how we can work better together in Burgess Hill, to improve existing projects and look at the possibility of starting new projects. More Information:Rev Will Kemp [will@thepointchurch.co.uk] |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St John the Evagelist Pastoral Centre, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Handing on the Torch: York Course 2012 at St John the Evangelist - Pastoral Centre 7.30 pm on Fridays in Lent FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fr Kevin O'Brien 01444 232582 frkevinobrien@me.com Booklets £3.35 per person |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Andrew's Church, Cants Lane, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Fair Trade Handel? |
Description: | Sussex Chorus and Burgess Hill Fairtrade Festival would like to invite your church choir and members of your congregation to join us in a "Come and Sing Handel's Messiah" |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St Anne's Convent, Park Rd. Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Lenten Reflections |
Description: | A reflection on the Sunday Readings using the DABCEC Lent Course |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Pauline Crispin will be leading this year's York Course: "Handing on the Torch- Sacred words for a secular world", starting Monday 27 March at 7.30. Participants will need to book:01444235033, as there is a course booklet costing £3.25. (CD "Speakers" are Dr David Hope, Clifford Longley, Rachel Lampard, Dr John Sentamu and Bishop Graham Cray) |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St John the Evagelist Pastoral Centre, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Handing on the Torch: York Course 2012 at St John the Evangelist - Pastoral Centre 7.30 pm on Fridays in Lent FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fr Kevin O'Brien 01444 232582 frkevinobrien@me.com Booklets £3.35 per person |
Time: | 7:00pm - 8:00pm |
Location: | St Anne's Convent, Park Rd. Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Lenten Reflections |
Description: | A reflection on the Sunday Readings using the DABCEC Lent Course |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Pauline Crispin will be leading this year's York Course: "Handing on the Torch- Sacred words for a secular world", starting Monday 27 March at 7.30. Participants will need to book:01444235033, as there is a course booklet costing £3.25. (CD "Speakers" are Dr David Hope, Clifford Longley, Rachel Lampard, Dr John Sentamu and Bishop Graham Cray) |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St John the Evagelist Pastoral Centre, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Handing on the Torch: York Course 2012 at St John the Evangelist - Pastoral Centre 7.30 pm on Fridays in Lent FOR MORE DETAILS, PLEASE CONTACT: Fr Kevin O'Brien 01444 232582 frkevinobrien@me.com Booklets £3.35 per person |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am |
Location: | St Anne's Convent, Park Rd. Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Lenten Reflections |
Description: | A reflection on the Sunday Readings using the DABCEC Lent Course |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Monday, February 27 |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Handing on the Torch: Lenten Study Course |
Description: | Pauline Crispin will be leading this year's York Course: "Handing on the Torch- Sacred words for a secular world", starting Monday 27 March at 7.30. Participants will need to book:01444235033, as there is a course booklet costing £3.25. (CD "Speakers" are Dr David Hope, Clifford Longley, Rachel Lampard, Dr John Sentamu and Bishop Graham Cray) |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Sheddingdean Baptist Church, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Arrival of new Minister |
Description: | After a long wait.. Sheddingdean's new Minister, Rev. Trevor Beckett, officially arrives today. We wish him and all his congregation every blessing. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | 24/7 Prayer Room opens at 7 pm Sunday Evening A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | 11:15am - 11:45am |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Good Friday Walk of Witness |
Description: | The annual Walk of Witness starting from All Saints United Reform Church on Junction Road at 11.15 (please gather from 11.00) and processing to the Bandstand in the Pedestrianised area of Church Road, where there will be a short United Service conducted by Rev Kevin O Brien, vicar of St Johns Church. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | 24/7 Prayer Room at the Park centre |
Description: | Conclusion of Prayer Room at 5 pm on Easter Sunday A week long vigil of prayer for the needs of Burgess Hill and the surrounding area. You can just "drop in" to the Park Centre when it is convenient - you are likely to spend some time there, as there are many ways in which you will find yourself encouraged to pray by the remarkable "Prayer Stations" - but if you can schedule your visit, please select the link to sign up. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Induction of Rev Trevor Beckett, new Pastor for Sheddingdean Baptists |
Description: | A successful event, held at Gateway Baptist Church on Station Rd. We wish Trever and his family a good and productive time in Burgess Hill |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Meeting of Churches Together |
Description: | At the Methodist Church on Gloucester Rd, 7.30 pm for 7.45. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | 6:30pm - 8:00pm |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week Service |
Description: | A service to mark the start of Christian Aid week Guest Speaker: Martin Kyndt |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | UK |
Summary: | Christian Aid Week |
Description: | The annual Christian Aid Collection will take place this week |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Edwards Church, Royal George Rd. Burgess Hill |
Description: | on the feast of Pentecost "COME, HOLY SPIRIT" |
Time: | 7:30pm - 9:00pm |
Location: | Hassocks United Reformed Church |
Summary: | Quiz Evening |
Description: | Hassocks and District Bible Society Action Group invite you to their Quiz Evening Teams of 4 or 5 people At Hassocks United Reformed Church Refreshments to follow Date: Wednesday, 30 May 2012 Time: 19:30 - 21:00 |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Diamond Jubilee celebrations at St Andrews |
Description: | A special day to celebrate the achievements of a special monarch |
Time: | 10:00am - 4:30pm |
Location: | All Saints URC, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Holiday at Home |
Description: | A Holiday Club for Seniors! with Olympic style events such as "Throwing the Drinking Straw" |
Time: | 10:00am - 4:30pm |
Location: | Haywards Heath United Reformed Church |
Summary: | Holiday at Home |
Description: | A Holiday Club for Seniors! with Olympic style events such as "Throwing the Drinking Straw" |
Time: | 10:00am - 4:30pm |
Location: | All Saints URC, Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Holiday at Home |
Description: | A Holiday Club for Seniors! with Olympic style events such as "Throwing the Drinking Straw" |
Time: | 10:00am - 4:30pm |
Location: | Haywards Heath United Reformed Church |
Summary: | Holiday at Home |
Description: | A Holiday Club for Seniors! with Olympic style events such as "Throwing the Drinking Straw" |
Time: | 4:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Burgess Hill Methodist Church |
Summary: | Farewell to Pauline |
Description: | Pauline Crispin leaves to her new challenges in Chichester today. Burgess Hill Methodists have a farewell event this afternoon |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Burgess Hill |
Summary: | Bible Sunday Meeting |
Description: | Evening Service likely Details as yet not available |
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