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February 9 - February 15

Bradford-on-Avon Events Calendar

Sunday, February 9
Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Bearfield Church Bradford-on-Avon
Summary: Taize Style Service
Description: All are warmly invited to a Taize style service at Bearfield Church on Sunday 9th February from 6-7pm.
Monday, February 10
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Ammerdown
Summary: True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Intersectional Inclusion.
Description: Please will you join us for this conversation? And, if you can, encourage others to join us?


On Monday 10th February, from 7-9pm, at Ammerdown, we are welcoming Pastor Brendan Robertson to speak about:


True Inclusion: Creating Communities of Intersectional Inclusion.


I am really keen to include the local church community in this conversation. It is not just about how we respond to the LGBT community but to all people who we may term ‘the other', so the conversation really challenges us about what it really means to be inclusive. Whatever our view, it's important to listen to each other and have the conversation and ask ourselves whether it's important for our church to be truly inclusive and - if it is - what that means .


Would you be able to join us and would you bring members of your congregation along? Ammerdown is now funding the event in full so there is no charge for the talk.


INTERSECTIONALITY.You cannot be inclusive of one minority group without being inclusive of others -- this is the reality of intersectionality. All systems of oppression are linked together and therefore, if you move towards the liberation of one group, you must also seek the liberation of the others. Be committed to preaching, acting, and organizing on behalf of all oppressed peoples and refuse to buy into the lie that you can only address one issue at a time.


Rev. Brandan Robertson is a noted author, activist, theologian, and pastor, working at the intersections of spirituality and social renewal. He currently serves as the Lead Pastor of Missiongathering Christian Church in San Diego, CA and serves as the Executive Director of Metanoia.

A prolific writer, he is the author or contributing author to nine books on spirituality and theology. He also writes regularly for Patheos, and has bylines in TIME Magazine, Dallas Morning News, The Huffington Post, NBC, and The Washington Post.


Friday, February 14
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Location: The Hub@BA15 Bradford-on-Avon
Summary: The Hub Coffee Morning

Hub Coffee Morning & Valentine's Day Sale.

Come and enjoy a cup of coffee, home made cake and great company.  All welcome. 

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: United Church Bradford-on-Avon
Summary: Planning Meeting
Description: Planning meeting at United Church 2-3pm.  This is for the World Day of Prayer Service. to be held on Friday, 6th March, 10.30 am also at United Church.