2019Bradford-on-Avon Events Calendar |

Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | St Nicholas Church Hall, Winsley |
Summary: | BACT Meeting |
Description: | AGENDA Monday 14 January 2019 at St Nicholas Church Hall, Winsley
1. Welcome 2. Opening Prayer 3. Apologies 4. Minutes of meeting held 12 November 2018 5. Matters arising: 6. Chairman's Remarks 7. Treasurer's Report 8. Lent Course 2019 9. Women's World Day of Prayer Friday 1 March 2019 10. Discussion and time of sharing. 11. Date of Next meeting. 12. Closing Prayer. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | 6:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Service for Christian Unity |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Week of Christian Unity |
Description: | Includes a Service for Christian Unity at Holy Trinity Church on 20th Jan at 6.30pm. See individual church websites for other services during this week. |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | God's Healing Grace |
Description: | A day with Rev. Mike Endicott, Founder of the Order of Jacob's Well UK, teaches Kingdom Healing - ministry the way that God intended it. All welcome on Saturday 2 February 2019 to https://www.faceboo |
Time: | 10:30am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Trowbridge |
Summary: | World Day of Prayer |
Description: | St James Church Trowbridge. |
Time: | 6:00pm - 8:00pm |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Christian Aid Event Delivering Hope |
Description: | Eat, drink, and get inspired by hearing from Joanna Tom-Kargbo, from Sierra Leone, and how you can get involved this Christian Aid Week. |
Time: | 11:00am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Walk of Witness |
Description: | The Walk of Witness will start from Westbury Gardens at 11.00am with the usual format of readings, prayers and hymns at various stops around the town before climbing Masons Lane to Christ Church finishing with refreshments at about 12 noon |
Time: | 12:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Forget Me Not Service |
Description: | With light refreshments and a chance to chat afterwards Supporting Bradford-on-Avon Dementia Action Alliance Awareness Week. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | BACT Meeting |
Description: | AGENDA Wednesday 17th July 2019
1. Welcome 2. Apologies 3. Reading and Prayer 4. Future of BACT. Lack of Chairman and Treasurer. 5. Minutes of meeting held on 14 March 2019 6. Matters arising 7. News from the Churches and the Hub 8. Any Other Business 9. Closing Prayer.
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | United Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Talk by Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh |
Description: | NEXT EVENT on MON 29th July 7.30pm UNITED CHURCH BA15 1DD when you will have the privilege of hearing Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, from Bethlehem talking about his life under Occupation . A rare opportunity in Bradford to hear from a Christian Palestinian, & his views about the current situation in the Holy Land . Christians like Muslims have suffered from the Israeli occupation. |
Time: | 5:00pm - 5:45pm |
Location: | United Church Hall Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Time to be Still |
Description: | Sunday 4 August 2019 United Church Hall St Margaret's St BoA Come and step aside briefly from the busyness of life. We welcome people from any faith background - and from none - for a short time of stillness, in an informal setting. We will be using music from many sources including the |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | The Hub, Church Street, Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Coffee Morning |
Description: | Come and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake including as always good company! |
Time: | 11:00am - 3:00pm |
Location: | The Hub, Church Street, Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Repair Cafe |
Description: | Repair Cafe Friday 16th August 11-3pm We are all encouraged to repair re-use and recycle . We are therefore hosting a repair cafe where various volunteers from Altus in Bath, Tools for Self Reliance (Holt) and our own volunteers are offering to repair / mend various household items including bikes and clothes. Do come with your items and support those offering their skills |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Bearfield Church Hall Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | BACT Meeting |
Description: | BRADFORD ON AVON CHURCHES TOGETHER AGENDA Wednesday 4 th September at 7.30pm 1. Bible Reading & Opening Prayer. |
Time: | 5:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Hymns & Pimms |
Description: | Come and enjoy a late summer glass of Pimms (or two) and raise the roof with Martin at the mighty Willis organ and the choir of Holy Trinity as we visit all corners of our hymn book. Tickets £4 on the door and includes a glass of Pimms. |
Time: | 10:45am - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Trio Paradis & Friends Coffee Concert |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | The Hub@BA15, Church Street, Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Coffee Morning & Stationery Sale |
Description: | Come and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake including as always good company! This month the added bonus of a Stationery & Card Sale. Come and find a bargain! |
Time: | 10:30am - 3:30pm |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Heritage Open Day |
Description: | Various events throughout the day at Holy Trinity Church. For further details see https://www.heritageopendays.org.uk/ |
Time: | 4:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Messy Church |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | South Wraxall Church |
Summary: | Jazz at St James |
Time: | 10:45am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Trio Paradis & Friends Coffee Concert |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Music from Heaven Capella Nova |
Description: | Concert at Holy Trinity Church |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Church Street Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Coffee Morning |
Description: | The Hub Coffee Morning with Toy & Games Sale. Come and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee, home made cake and, of course, great company. This month there is a sale of toys and games. So come and pick up a bargain. |
Time: | 3:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Winsley Methodist Church |
Summary: | Holy Land Pilgrimage 2020 |
Description: | Revd Peter Whatton,(an experienced tour leader) is trying to get a group together for one last Pilgrimage next year, and there will be a meeting for all interested at Winsley Methodist Church on Saturday 12 October. The proposed date for this Pilgramage is November 1st 2020. |
Time: | 11:00am - 2:00pm |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Middle Eastern & Asian Brunch |
Description: | Bradford-on-avon Friends of Palestine (BOAFOP) Fundraisng event, West Barn, Bradford on Avon, Sun 13th Oct, 11-2pm You are all welcome to this autumnal fund-raising event . Monies raised will be used to support educational and sporting facilities in Tubas, on the edge of the Jordan Valley in Palestine. Some of you may recall the visit of the 3 Palestinians from Tubas, to Bradford on Avon in 2015 and Jalal Khudairy's inspirational talk about the good work he and others are doing to put sport and citizenship at the heart of young Palestinian lives. All of this costs money and Jalal recently reached out to us for support to continue and build on his great work. We hope you will be inspired by what he does to join us for what promises to be a wonderful feast in a unique location. |
Time: | 11:00am - 2:00pm |
Location: | West Barn Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Middle Eastern & Asian Brunch |
Description: | Bradford-on-avon Friends of Palestine (BOAFOP) Fundraisng event, West Barn, Bradford on Avon, Sun 13th Oct, 11-2pm You are all welcome to this autumnal fund-raising event . Monies raised will be used to support educational and sporting facilities in Tubas, on the edge of the Jordan Valley in Palestine. Some of you may recall the visit of the 3 Palestinians from Tubas, to Bradford on Avon in 2015 and Jalal Khudairy's inspirational talk about the good work he and others are doing to put sport and citizenship at the heart of young Palestinian lives. All of this costs money and Jalal recently reached out to us for support to continue and build on his great work. We hope you will be inspired by what he does to join us for what promises to be a wonderful feast in a unique location. |
Time: | 7:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Baptist Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Christianity; Just Relevant Nonsense? |
Description: | A talk at the Baptist Church at 7pm. The speaker is Dr John Benton |
Time: | 6:45pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | United Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Hub AGM |
Description: | The meeting will be held on 24/10/2019 at the United Church St Margaret's Street, Bradford on Avon BA15 1DD at 6.45 for refreshments and 7pm for our speaker Tony Yates from The Wiltshire Substance Misuse Services Team Leader based at Julian House This is followed as usual by the Hope Debt Advice Service AGM. |
Time: | 10:30am - 5:30pm |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Come & Sing Paragon Singers |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Winsley Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Allison's Coffee Morning |
Time: | 5:00pm - 5:45pm |
Location: | United Church Hall Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Time to be Still |
Description: | Time to be Still Sunday 3rd November 2019 5 - 5.45pm United Church Hall St Margaret's St BoA (Take left fork at railway station mini roundabout) Come and step aside briefly from the busyness of life. We welcome people from any faith background - and from none - for a short time of stillness, in an informal setting. We will be using music from many sources including the ecumenical Christian communities of Taize, Iona and other Celtic traditions, along with short meditative readings and periods of silence. |
Time: | 7:30pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Devizes |
Summary: | WCT Annual Forum |
Description: | Wed 6th Nov 7.00pm for 7.30pm (Refreshments on Arrival) St Andrew's Church, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1 NJ Invitation to attend a meeting of the Annual Forum of Wiltshire Churches Together. The purpose of this meeting is to bring fresh life and renewed purpose to the body which is WCT. At the meeting we hope that you will bring good ideas to share that have worked in your area to further God's mission through local churches working together. The main speaker on the evening is to be the Bishop of Ramsbury, Rt Revd Andrew Rumsey sharing thoughts on mission and ministry in Wiltshire from his travels across the county since his arrival earlier this year. We will bring you up to date with recent activity and events, and receive an update on WCT We will also elect new officers |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | The Hub @ Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Lights Switch On |
Description: | Seasonal refreshments at The Hub from 6pm. |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Advent Carol Service by Candlelight |
Description: | 6pm in Holy Trinity Church with members of BACT. |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | The Hub @ Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Coffee Morning |
Description: | Please note change of week. |
Time: | 6:00pm - 12:00am Thursday, January 1 |
Location: | Holy Trinity Church Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Nine Lessons & Carols |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Open Times |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Open Times |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Christmas Closure |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | Christmas Day |
Description: | Please see the Churches tab for details of church services today |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Christmas Closure |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Christmas Closure |
Time: | All day event |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Christmas Closure |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Open Times |
Time: | 10:00am - 12:00pm |
Location: | Bradford-on-Avon |
Summary: | The Hub Open Times |
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