Local Churches


 Churches to match the map on the Find us page.

See below to find out about our local churches in Shirley and linked schools. Click on the title of each church to go to their website.

St Georges ChurchSt Georges Church
A welcoming inclusive Church of England, Elstan Way 





St John the Evangalist The Church St John the Evangelist
St John’s is a warm, welcoming and mixed community in Spring Park Road. We worship in the Anglican tradition: supported by an enthusiastic choir, our worship is structured, yet relaxed. 

The school website is 



Methodist - Building

Shirley Methodist Church

 An inclusive church which cares for all, offers dignified yet lively worship, and encourages people to grow in faith and is in Eldon Avenue by the roundabout.






Shirley Baptist Church

West Wickham & Shirley Baptist Church 

WWSBC is a vibrant Baptist Church seeking to share Gods love with our community. The church is open daily with activites for all ages. Please visit our website for full details and downloads of weekly messages, with a sister church below.


Shrublands Community Church

 Shurblands Christian Fellowship

The sister church meets at the Shrublands Community Centre at the top of Bridle Road. 





Long Heath Church and Community centre

49A Longheath Gardens, CR0 7TD



Our Lady

 Our Lady of the Annunciation 

 Bingham Road. A vibrant Catholic church.






All Saints Church

 All Saints

 The local family church in Bridle road.






Church of God Apostolic

 Church of God Apostolic

A small but charismatic church in Spring Park Road.

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